Well, it's been a long, long time since I posted anything on my blog. Here goes!
I am back in Canada and am living with my sister and my niece. Things are going great, but I am still waiting for my criminal record check, which has taken over 11 weeks!
I need it as the last bit of criteria for my application to the Ontario College of Teachers and once they receive it, it can still take up to 120 days to assess my application and be issued an interim certificate, which will allow me to get on a s.upply list and start teaching French and hopefully Spanish sometime in the future.
The waiting is the hardest part, but all good things come to those who wait. Nothing else going on other than a great Xmas, totally chilled with the family and my sister and I are going down to London to spend New Year's Eve with our Mum and Dad. Should be fun and we have a few games that we want to play.
Jackie and I leave to get the 4.30 train on Friday afternoon and then get into London about 9pm. We return to Oshawa on Sunday, the 2nd and get in about 4pm.
I wish everyone a great new year and all the best of fortune both health wise and life wise for 2011. May all your dreams and ambitions continue to keep you dreaming about the future.