Let's just take a look at some of the things that I have done since I got back here. I have completed two medical test trials a.k.a. Guinea Pig..............lol. I have painted a couple of houses. I painted one for my sister's friend and actually painted the whole house including all the trim. The other house, I painted the bottom floor and the
upstairs hallway and landing and the baseboards and trim.

I spent the first Christmas here since 2003, which was quite enjoyable althou
gh a little quiet. It was difficult for my sister still and she mentioned that she is going to have to change it up next year as it is too upsetting having Christmas at her house like when Nuri was still alive. We all miss him like crazy and there isn't a day that goes by that we all still don't miss him.
It is a little strange for me sometimes because I feel a bit weird being in his house knowing that he will not come walking through the door! I am okay with things, but if I feel that way, I can't imagine what my sister and the kids must feel like. Anyway, we all got through Xmas and we continue to find our own ways of handling our issues and just plod along and wish for the best.
I am still waiting for my criminal check, which is in its 15th week. It is absolutely ridiculous that I applied for a check on October 4th last year and am still waiting for it to come through. It is th
e only documentation that The Ontario College of Teachers are waiting on to start processing my file and get my certification. It may even still take 3 more month for them to do that. I just have to keep telling myself to be patient and that things cannot be rushed that are out of your control. I even went and saw my MP to see if anything could be done and his representative said that they are aware of the ongoing problem with everyone's checks and that there was nothing that they could do. Typical answer when it comes to man-power that could solve the backlog, but the action never bears fruit.

I am enjoying being back in Canada, but miss the contacts of friends as I really don't have any around here that I hang out with. I am being careful with my money and trying not to go out at all. I talk to one of my friends from Korea, Rob occasionally as he has moved back here, too. I also talk to Clement who lives in Quebec and just married a Korea girl after going to Korea and doing the civil ceremony. He is going to have a proper little ceremony once she comes here and they are planning on a small party and he has asked me to be his best man, which I accepted with honor. We talk about future plans and what stress we have here adjusting back to "NORMAL" living..............lol.
The plan is to try and do another medical test and hope that my criminal check will come through soon and I can get going on my future as a teacher, which seems a little surreal at the moment. Almost as though it will never happen and it is a pipe-dream. I know things will get better, but can't wait to start the next adventure of my life, here in Canada.
I am keeping the weight off that I lost and have got the right idea about counting calories now and think I am in the best shape that I have been in, in a long time. I have been a little lax in some of the areas of my diet, but overall, I think I am doing an okay job. I still want to lose about 15 more pounds to get closer to the 205 target that I want to reach. I am at 220 at the moment and staying there consistently, but I think my body fat is getting lower all the time.
Once I move into my own place, I can eat more like the style I want and be in more of a routine. I will feel then that my life is going in the right direction then and won't be as skeptical as I am at the moment.
The weather has been very cold of late, but that doesn't bother me in the least. I like the cold and the snow and have promised myself to never knock Canada about the weather ever again............lol.
The Leafs have been disappointing and they don't look good enough to make the playoffs. I hope that they can improve after the all star break, but who knows! Liverpool are doing better under King Kenny and they look like they are happier and have more confidence. Let's hope they can finish in a European spot by the end of the season and that we sign some class players before the end of January..............god knows we need them!
I am keeping my hand in correcting English essays from one of my Korean friends who has her own business. She sends me about a dozen or so a week and I correct them all. I enjoy doing it and it keeps me in the right frame of mind and I feel like a teacher. The other thing that is hard here in Canada is not having a car and that is even to help find jobs. I will never be in this situation ever again! I will get my own place, my own car and a nice nest egg of money behind me before I decide to ever travel and live overseas again. Once bitten, twice shy..............more like dozens of times...........my fault, though and I have to learn from my mistakes!
I am studying Italian on my own now. It has been a language that I was always interested in and with me speaking Spanish already, it is much easier to learn, although it is like any new language; very challenging. I am keeping up with my French and Spanish skills and am keeping up a little with my Greek and Portuguese. I also bought a book called "Arabic for Dummies." I will have a go at learning a bit of it on my own and hopefully will advance myself a bit with Sanskrit.
Not doing much else to keep myself busy, just plodding along. Going to the gym, looking after myself and doing my best to be a good father, son, brother, uncle and friend. Paying things forward is the best way to keep yourself going and that is why sometime this week, I am going to volunteer somewhere to help out people and to keep myself busy. I had made that as one of my goals last year to volunteer in the near future and that is about to happen very, very soon.