Sunday, August 31, 2008

Almost Back To Korea

My trip is almost over, sadly. But, like life in general, you just have to make new plans and get on with the daily grind of living.

I have had a fantastic time here in England. Saw pretty much everything and everyone that I wanted to. Time has flown by..... from going to London, to seeing my family and spending time with them to going to the match, which Liverpool rescued with only 2 minutes of extra-time left.....a highlight of the trip.

Haven't been able to blog at all due to lack of internet access.....drove me mad to tell you the truth. Will definitley be buying a laptop when I come to live here and have 24 hour access. I feel lost without the internet.....withdrawal symptoms and the lot!!!!!!

Had an interview at John Moore's University and it went really well. The lady that interviewed me was very nice and very frank and honest. It looks good all around......have the qualifications that I need to get in the program and will be eligible for the bursaries once I renew my EU passport. Looks like May I will be back in England and start the ball rolling on my new future......get my teacher's degree and then teach in secondary school....French and Spanish......can't wait to tell you the plans and new horizons.

Now it is back to Korea on Wednesday and start the next ten months to save some money and bring my time there to an end. I think I will have a new appreciation for Korea once I return, as I know I will be leaving there in 10 months. Get all my stuff online sorted out for the application to university and then get all my other things in order to get ready to leave in May. Will have to go to Canada for a week or two first, then to England.

Already have a link to jobs teaching English here when I return. There are a lot of people from the Congo, the French part, who are keen to learn English and will learn at anytime and pay good money for it.......part-time work just like in Korea......more good news......loads of jobs going here to tell you the truth.

That's all for now.......keep you posted once I get back.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

New Hope For Organ Recipients!

This is huge news in the medical world and I hope that it comes about sooner than later. There are a lot of people that could benefit substantially from this new discovery. I have a cousin Gill who received a kidney from her sister about 10 years ago. She is doing great, but I am sure she would prefer the method discovered by the doctors in this research.

Please read this article. Very informative and very good news for the future.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Check Out Marilyn Manson Without The Make-Up!

This goes to show you how make-up can really give a person a scary, kind of Alice Cooper-shock-rock look!!!!
This is so funny. The first one is when he had to appear in court.....more downplayed.....I am not sure, but does he have only one eye? It looks like both his eyes are okay in the first picture.....what a gimmick!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Koreans In Welding Masks.......Lol!!!!!

It has been the trend in this country for a long time and I thought my avid readers might want a wee glimpse of what is 'cool' amongst the middle-aged women here. Hold on to your shorts and skirts and don't rush out and buy one of these babies too quickly..............

Here it is at long last. The new, funky, state of the art, stylish and oh so cool fashion sense that is all the hype here in Korea.....believe me, you see this everyday and in abundance all over Korea in the hot weather, even on the bright winter days. Take a look at this WELDING MASK!!!!!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

This Is Just Unbelievable Talent......So Dangerous!

All I can say is, oh, my god!!!!!!
One of the best acts that you could ever much time have they put into this act.....unbelievable.

Russian Bar routine

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Friday, August 01, 2008

Good Luck Caroline!

I met up with a friend of mine, Caroline who is Korean, but also speaks Spanish, which is her major in university. She is currently in the middle of interviews to become a flight attendant for Emirates Airlines. She has passed the first two interviews and she has another big one on Saturday morning.

She has gone from being one of a thousand to now one of 120. If she passes this interview on Saturday, she will have a great chance of getting a job there. She is a great girl and I wish her all the luck in the world. She really wants this opportunity to become a flight attendant more than anything she can ever remember...that's what she told me, anyway.

I practiced some of the interview questions with her for about 2 hours, yesterday. They were the usual, like; what do you deem as a success? What are your strengths and weaknesses....etc.......

I tried my best to give her some of the most common responses and told her to just keep the answers short and to the point. Not to go on and on like most Koreans do when you ask them simple questions. Of c ourse, she wants to sell her attributes, but not do it in a too wordy way! She seemed to pick things up and I think the one word that she will remember is, "I'm a team-player."

Last night, I met up with David at The Loft after I left Caroline. I met another friend of mine, Joseph from Nigeria while I was waiting for David to come. I also met his friend, Kennedy and we sat and chatted for a while. David showed up and we had a few more drinks and more of a chat.

David left and went off to a place called 'Brix.' I met him there after about half an hour and there were a group of people there from all different countries. There was a fella from Paraguay, a girl from Columbia, a girl from Mexico, a French fella and a few Koreans. A Japanese fella also showed up..... I called all of us the United Nations.

That is when it is cool to be with people from all different places on our planet.......really cool.

Went to UN Club and bumped into Richard who was out, which is a rarity for him on a Thursday night. He was on vacation for a couple of days, so he was out for a later than usual night.

Got home late again and woke up about 1pm. Had a class at 3, 4.30 and 7.30....full day without even going to my school. I am staying home tonight and going to try and really curb back on my staying out late as I don't want to spend too much more money now before I go to England on vacation on August 15th. We shall see, as they say, but I am going to at least try.

I am back to work on Monday and I will work 2 weeks, actually 7 working days, then I am off on vacation to meet up with my family. Can't wait to see them all now. Getting a little excited and starting to worry about what presents I should take and packing....blah blah blah. I am not that worried, really, just joking!