I am not exactly out- of shape, but at the same moment, not completely in- shape either. I am hurting each and every day trying to get into the best shape possible. The eating is going fairly well and the exercising, too. However, it is hard work and don't let anyone out there ever tell you otherwise. NO PAIN, NO GAIN........how true!

The weather here has turned into true autumn weather and it is very welcome as far as I am concerned. It is much more comfortable to sleep and I don't have to have that damn air-conditioning on anymore. I was feeling very machine orientated when that thing was on 24/7.
Still haven't drank this week and I won't. Watched the Everton vs Liverpool derby at Hollywoods and it was absolutely brilliant. We won 2-0 and it was great fun watching Liverpool absolutely dominate Everton in all areas of the match. Sang my brains out and shouted so much during the match. Always a good bunch of LFC supporters in the place to egg on the team.

Didn't do anything today. Karina and I were supposed to go to the zoo, but we ended up staying up late and watching a movie, "Flight of the Living Dead." It was quite funny, it is like blood and guts mixed with comedy and really lame lines.........had a good time watching it........I know, me watching movies, what's up with that, eh?

Went for a run about an hour ago. Killed me once again, but I am up to 30 mins outside now without stopping. Ran up to Seoul Station and then around by Yongsan High School, around the War Memorial and Samgakji and then back home.
Meeting Gareth tonight after he completes his training seminar. They have put a 12pm curfew on him......haha! It is the training for his new public school position. Everyone has to go through it, including all the extra-curricular activities......poor sod. Should get to see him for a couple of hours tonight, anyway. Should be fun. I will be drinking mineral water or juice again......lol.
Sam left today to start university in England. A good night for him to leave with LFC winning! He has given my old phone to his girlfriend and I have to get it back. I paid about 100 dollars for the thing, so I can re-sell it back to the shop for at least some money or give it to my girlfriend and she can use it as a pay-as-u-go phone. I changed it 'cos I got a contract phone here, which is much, much cheaper. I will meet up with Yaejin soon to get it off of her.

Another weekend is almost in the books and I must say, not drinking alcohol has not been hard at all. I am bound and determined to do the month and then after just drink moderately after that.
Looking forward to Tuesday, September 30th as it will be my first pay since I got back from my trip plus Mum and Dad's 47th wedding anniversary. 3 more to go until their Golden......should be awesome, and gonna have a party for that one, for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!