Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Easter Weekend Has Ended and Now Back to The Grind!

Easter weekend was great. I left Thursday night from work and headed to London, Ontario to see my Mum, Dad and Son. I hung out with my son at his place with a bunch of his friends and we watched Youtube videos and other funny stuff on his TV. Had a few vodka and sodas, too.......................

Woke up to move the damn car at 6am and then left at 8am. Had breakfast at my Mum's and then later in the afternoon, picked Ty up and we all had Easter dinner at 35 Graydon.

Had a good chat and a laugh about pretty well everything and as always had some good topics of discussion that kept us all lively.

Went out that night with a mate of mine, Wayne a.ka. We ended up at the club house, which was a story in itself. A small non-windowed shack that had a pool table, chairs and a bar and very little ventilation. It was much like a man-cave. However, everyone there resembled Willie Nelson or that look, anyway! Or should I say, they all looked like Wayne; long beards, rings on every finger, leather vests, piercings etc.....................

Funny thing, I don't feel old, but I don't feel being in places where people are only really young. Nothing against young people, but it is a different time of my life that I am in now and needless to say, I like hanging out in places where there are a mix of ages and I don't feel like Grandad Campbell!

Not much else to say, except that I am enjoying my first full time permanent teaching position and can say with all honesty that this is the job that I always wanted my whole life. Being a French Teacher is awesome and I love the vibrant energy of the students even though they are a handful at times. I am 'moulding young minds,' as my nephew says!

I am thinking of moving for August. Need to live alone again as I have done for most of the last 17 years. I love being on my own and having my own space. Time for my nephew to move on, too and find his own place and be closer to downtown where he works.

Adios for now and espero que todos mis amigos esten bien!


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