I have no school until August 4th and then 10 days later on August 14th, I leave for Liverpool for 3 weeks.
Went out with Chris last night to see a rock band in Hongdae. It was almost finished by the time we got there, but we got to see a couple of songs played. Jenny had been singing earlier, but unfortunately we didn't get to see here.
Chris was quite funny at the end of the night. He has spent the last week watching Ali-G and Borat, so he has the accent and the words memorized. He was speaking to these two girls that we met with his Borat accent and they were just believing him all the way. They were Korean like, but it was still funny. He was going on about having a cow in a field and also a t.v. and remote control.....off his head, really.......haha.
No plans as such for the week. Just gonna chill and go to the gym. Have to go to the British Embassy to check out the rules for living in England as I plan to go to Teacher's College there next year. Don't know if I have to apply for a passport or there is some special visa that I have to get, as I was born there and left there when I was 15 years old.
Starting to get a little excited about seeing Mum, Dad, our Jackie, Katie, Jamie and my son, Tyler. I am excited for him, as it will be his first time overseas from Canada. I think he will love it and it will definitely give him some more perspective about his dad's side of the family and about how people live different lives on the same planet. England really is so different in so many ways from North America. He will see all of that and I think it will make him think more about his future and hopefully make him want to start travelling more.....let's see, though!
Having been blogging much, as I have been a lazy arse. Going to try and blog a little more in the next little while before I go to England. I was laughing with my sister as she was telling me that she cleaned some 'junk' out of her house. We got talking about photo albums and then we started laughing about the new cameras and gadgets that we have nowadays, but don't use them as much as we used to.....lol.
Fact of life, I think. Still nice to have them at special moments. I will be taking lots of pics when I am in England, so stay posted.

I think this time in our lives is one of the best ever, as we have so much more ways of communication with each other. Living overseas, I never feel isolated from anyone. The only thing that I have to say to anyone that is not internet savvy is that you are losing out big time. From getting pics of birthdays or other events in my family's and friends' lives, it is awesome. Facebook is one of the best things out there right now and I would recommend it to anyone to have a go on it, even if you are skeptical. You will see that it can reconnect you with some of your old friends or help you stay in touch with your family and existing friends, so much easier. You don't need to type an email address and it so easy to send messages, never mind all the fun things that are on there. The geography game is awesome and teaches you loads of cities and countries that you wouldn't have a clue about otherwise.
I am off to the gym now to have a good workout again, then out again tonight to meet Chris who is also on vacation this week.
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