She has gone from being one of a thousand to now one of 120. If she passes this interview on Saturday, she will have a great chance of getting a job there. She is a great girl and I wish her all the luck in the world. She really wants this opportunity to become a flight attendant more than anything she can ever remember...that's what she told me, anyway.
I practiced some of the interview questions with her for about 2 hours, yesterday. They were the usual, like; what do you deem as a success? What are your strengths and weaknesses....etc.......
I tried my best to give her some of the most common responses and told her to just keep the answers short and to the point. Not to go on and on like most Koreans do when you ask them simple questions. Of c ourse, she wants to sell her attributes, but not do it in a too wordy way! She seemed to pick things up and I think the one word that she will remember is, "I'm a team-player."
Last night, I met up with David at The Loft after I left Caroline. I met another friend of mine, Joseph from Nigeria while I was waiting for David to come. I also met his friend, Kennedy and we sat and chatted for a while. David showed up and we had a few more drinks and more of a chat.
David left and went off to a place called 'Brix.' I met him there after about half an hour and there were a group of people there from all different countries. There was a fella from Paraguay, a girl from Columbia, a girl from Mexico, a French fella and a few Koreans. A Japanese fella also showed up..... I called all of us the United Nations.
That is when it is cool to be with people from all different places on our planet.......really cool.
Went to UN Club and bumped into Richard who was out, which is a rarity for him on a Thursday night. He was on vacation for a couple of days, so he was out for a later than usual night.
Got home late again and woke up about 1pm. Had a class at 3, 4.30 and 7.30....full day without even going to my school. I am staying home tonight and going to try and really curb back on my staying out late as I don't want to spend too much more money now before I go to England on vacation on August 15th. We shall see, as they say, but I am going to at least try.
I am back to work on Monday and I will work 2 weeks, actually 7 working days, then I am off on vacation to meet up with my family. Can't wait to see them all now. Getting a little excited and starting to worry about what presents I should take and packing....blah blah blah. I am not that worried, really, just joking!
gotta admit, that was a good facial impression of Rob!!
and say 'Hello' to Caroline too! she is a lot of fun!
and hope you're enjoying your vacation...hard to believe I'm already done mine!
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