I must say, he was spot on! I have been a member of the facebook community now for over 5 or 6 months. It is amazing how you can find people that you haven't spoken to or seen in years, as well as keep in touch a lot easier with people than sending single emails from an email account. It is an easy to use website and I recommend it for anyone that wants to keep in touch with friends or family much easier.
On another note, Sara is leaving early Thursday morning, so tomorrow night it is time to boot down to Bundang again and say goodbye at her place. There will be a bunch of people at her apartment, just kind of chilling out and saying their goodbyes.
She will be missed by quite a few people, but there is no excuse for losing touch due to facebook and other communication tools.
I have open class tomorrow at my school. That means that the parents can come and observe the teachers teaching during the class. It should be interesting to see how nervous some of the students get when they know their parents are there......haha.
I am kicking my cold finally, but I have post-nasal drip at the moment. My nose won't stop running and it is quite embarassing at times, the way that the stuff just keeps dripping out of my nasal passages.
Liverpool play Porto tomorrow night and have to win to progress and then beat Marseille if they want to win the group. Benitez's situation at the moment is quite bizarre. I am surprised that Liverpool have showed their dirty laundry so blatently to the public. It is not usually like them to do that.....how times change, I suppose.
The weather is getting cooler here, but today was a beautiful sunny day. It was a bit chilly, but the nice thing about Korea is that the floors are heated......such a nice feeling when you walk on it first thing in the morning, or when you get back home from somewhere. Kind of unique to this part of the world and definitely something I really, really like.
Went to the sauna tonight and sweated the hell out of myself. It is really helping with my cold also. Had a good arm workout, which is something I haven't done for a while and also had a good run.
Hey you! Have a great day!

I am back to being a brunette now. Tired of the blond hair especially in the winter. It will do for now until all the grey starts coming through again.....hehe.