I am happy to say that today I feel much better. Emotionally, I mean. I can't say that I feel better health wise, as I feel as sick as a dog even typing this blog. But, I am okay and know where I am, know what I want and what I am doing.
The answer to each of those questions goes like this: Where am I going? Nowhere.
Know what I want? Nothing. Know what I am doing? Not in a hundred years do I have a bleeding clue........hahaha.

At least I am a realist and I am enjoying knowing exactly how I feel. Anybody feel the same way?
Here is to a good weekend and a healthier throat, nose and head......I know, I am crying like a stuffed turkey........

I think I'll bring my camera tomorrow to get some new pictures for you...lol
Oh my god Paul, everytime I look at that picture of you with those sunglasses on I laugh my arse off, too funny..
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