This week has been a great week for myself. I have full internet service at home and full cable service at home.
There are several all English channels. one of which is called AFN (American Forces Network). It is actually quite an eye opener at times as the channel is shown for the soldiers that are based up in Seoul and a few other cities in South Korea. There is quite a bit of propoganda shown on there, but all in all it is a good channel as they have The Leno Show and The Letterman Show plus Dr. Phil and Oprah. I enjoy keeping up with the Western world through this channel.
There is also Star Sports, which is hit and miss in English as it is predominantly Chinese broadcasters that are on the channel. There are a lot of Premier games from England shown, so that alone makes it worth watching.
The Koreans now have 2 players playing in the Premiership; Pak Ji-Son and Ee-Yong Pyo, so we get to watch every Man U game and every Tottenham game that is played. It is cool as I get to see some of the less statured teams when they play these two teams.
All in all, I don't feel lost at all with all this modern technology to work with and hence this blogsite that I am posting on all the time.
This weekend there is a big party put on by the agencyATC, the agency I used to get my job at Avalon. Avalon uses only ATC to hire the teachers at their schools. The party is 15 dollars to get in and you get a free t-shirt and two beers and a small snack included. It should be a good time for all. Most of the teachers at my school are going as well as Dave, my best friend and Eric, one of the teachers that I met when I first arrived at the Jongja Campus at Avalon.
Eric hails from Vancouver and is a really cool guy. I don't have any pics of him, but hopefully starting next week, I will post more pics of different things in Korea such as school and students and friends.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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