From left to right, David, my cousin, Carmel, his girl, pregnant Sarah, our Jonathan's girl.

I have been so busy and I also feel a little arkward about asking to use the computer...... don't know why really, but it is just my conscience while staying with someone else. Pic is of Uncle Dom and Auntie Ann in the kitchen.

I don't know where to start. I guess I could start with the flight leaving Canada. I had to pay 300 dollars excess and Dave had to pay 200. You are only allowed to have 20kgs total on the flight, which I think is absolutely ridiculous. Anyway, I paid the money and thought that would be the end of it. Sunday meeting of my Mum's side of the family.
Left to right, Janet, cousing Michael's wife, Jackie, cousin Peter's wife and my Auntie Betty, my Mum's second oldest sister.

We got another shock last Friday when we went to Manchester to pay for our tickets to go back to Korea. We are flying with Emirates and their baggage allowance is only 28kgs. They give more than the other airlines, but that means we will have to send any excess by cargo as the rate for each kilogram over your limit is 40 pound sterling.
Left to right, back of Uncle Colin's head, Auntie Winnie's husband, Auntie May and her son David, side view of David's younger daughter and his older daughter Ellie last.

Left to right, Auntie May, Mum's oldest sister, Jamie, my sister's son who travelled with us to Liverpool, Auntie Betty and yours truly.

It is only 4 pound to send it by cargo. We are allowed 7kgs on our carry-on also, so we will try and get as close to the limit that we are allowed. So be wary if you are travelling to England or flying out of here, as the allowance means that you have to travel light.
Auntie Winnie, Mum's youngest sister and to her right Auntie Winnie's son, Colin, my first cousin. It is his child that Winnie is holding. Winnie has 5 of them now. Each year, one grandchild.

Arrived in Manchester on March 3rd at 10am and the luggage door to the plane was frozen shut. We had to wait for an hour and a half to get our luggage. We finally got it and our Jonathan met us with his girlfriend Sarah and the 5 of us plus luggage headed to Liverpool. It was quite a feat getting 5 full cases and our carry-ons and ourselves in the little diddy car. Dave and I had to hold full-size cases on our laps.... funny story and a funny trip back. Wheels digging into our legs and couldn't see over top of the cases. We got here anyway. That is the main thing.
Pic from left to right, Auntie Winnie, Lynn cousin David McCarthy's wife, Leslie, cousin Gary's wife, Jackie cousin Peter's wife and Auntie Betty.

We got back in time to watch the Man U vs Liverpool game on the tele. Shit ending as Man U scored in the last minute of time after we battered them the whole game.
All the next generation of kids. Can't remember all their names. The tall one on the top of the bench goes to St. Francis Xavier's College, where I went. He is our Peter's lad.

Later on that afternoon, we went into town and had a few bevies as such..... the story of our trip really......drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat............................. Not complaining, although I have gained 28 pounds since I left Korea......Really, I am being serious!
In London, left to right, Dave, Carmel, our Jamie, cousin David and cousin Jonathan.

I am including different pics of different places and a little note to where we were. We have done so much. One of the highlights has been the Liverpool vs Barcelona game that we watched in town at a bar called The Walkabout. The atmosphere was brilliant and we were biting our nails at the end of the game after Barcelona scored on only one of 2 chances the whole game. They were shite!!!!!!
A picture of my cousin Jonathan. Uncle Dom and Auntie Ann are Jonathan and David's parents. Uncle Dom is my Dad's youngest brother and we are staying with him and Auntie Ann. Jamie stayed next door at David's house while he was here.

Don't feel like typing too much more now, so that will have to do for now. I am on a laptop, which is really frustrating as you need little diddy fingers.......... I had an external keyboard even when I had my laptop.
At least I have posted something now. The rest will follow. We leave for Amsterdam tomorrow from Liverpool at 6.15am. We will be back in Liverpool in 6 days for one night and then the following day head to Korea.
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