I am very happy to say that after about 3 years or so, maybe even longer-not really positive about the time-scale, my son, Tyler, finally met up with the only cousins that he has, Katie and Jamie..........monumental for me once again......

It is so nice that now he has seen my sister and his cousins and is visiting his Nanna and Grandad regularly now.

He was presented with his Liverpool shirts. The one was bought my cousin, David who as you all know, just got married. The other was bought for him by my Mum and Dad.

My sister drove down to London, Ontario on the weekend and on Sunday morning, the whole clan were there to have one of my Mum's famous, sausage, egg, black pudding breakfasts. I wish I could have been there, but I am in there in spirit as always.

I spoke to all of them on the phone, son, nephew, niece, sister, Mum and Dad. They sounded great and they were saying that Tyler looks identical to me.......sorry Tyler!!!!!!

He was hungover from the night before when he had gone out with a few mates and overdid it a little. My Dad said he was suffering.....haha.

Tyler was working later that day at 1.30pm, so he had a good visit with the family and it was nice to hear them all there together.

Jamie and Katie said Tyler is so big and vice-versa, Tyler said the same about them. They are all grown up now!

It was funny when I talked to Katie. I asked her what she thought of London, as she hadn't been there for a long time. She said that everything seemed lower.....haha. That is because she is taller now.....funny statement though.......lol.
We will all be together next August and going to Liverpool for my cousin Jonathan's wedding. Should be a great time. I have to save my money for that one, as I promised Tyler, I would pay for everything for him and I mean it!
Hope you liked the pics of them all.
is it just me or is Jamie always sticking his chest out? lol
Wouldn't you stick your chest out while standing next to
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