Thursday, June 11, 2009

And The Beat Goes On........................

I have been back in Liverpool approximately 6 weeks now and the time really has flown by. In the beginning, with all the stuff that I had to do, time was going by steadily, but now I can't believe it is the 11th of June already. I have accomplished so many things in such a short time that even I have to take a breath and wonder how!

I had to get a government work number, called a NIN (National Insurance Number) which allows you to work. Without the number, you cannot work legally. It was a bit more complicated for me as I had no history here and had to produce all kinds of documentation to prove who I was. Same with getting a phone. I have no chance of getting a contract phone or anything where money is given to you first because I have no
credit history here. Once I have paid bills and showed some kind of credit worthiness, then I can start to get things by contract. Things on contract are generally much, much cheaper, such as mobile phones and other items that are kind of rentals.

I have gotten together with some of my family members, but not all due to me being busy and also them being busy. I am getting around a lot on the bus and making the best of my Arriva bus pass. 41 pound a month and I have unlimited travel around Liverpool. 5 pound discount, just for purchasing online.

I have been making a habit of getting on buses and just riding them to see where they go. It has been great for me, as now I am really getting to know the City of Liverpool. I knew key areas before, but didn't have any knowledge of street names or areas that I had heard spoken about, but couldn't take you there if you wanted to

I have joined the library, which is great. Gotten a bank account, joined a gym, got my TV, Internet and phone hooked up. Decked my flat out with the necessities such as microwave, kettle etc. All with a lot of help from my friends, of course who have been absolutely marvellous. Got a mobile number, got internet banking, bought cordless phones, got a TV for a great deal through my friends, attended my interview at school, filled out loads of paperwork for everything from my address to a doctor's request to become a patient. Figured out where the laudromat is and have taken my laundry there once a week and did all my washing and drying there. And the beat goes on................................

I have applied for a couple of jobs and am waiting to hear back. They are tuition jobs, teaching children and adults. Hopefully have some good news about that.

There is a special memorial night on Saturday in Huyton, to commemorate my cousin Michael Laski that died in Afghanistan while serving his country. It is with the Air Cadets that he used to belong to before becoming a soldier. All the money is going towards a cause for all the soldiers on duty and I hope there is a great turnout and also it will be a chance to celebrate Michael's life for all of us, even if some of us, like myself, didn't know him that well. He is a hero to each and everyone of us and I will remember him for as long as I live and his spirit will live on forever.

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