Tuesday, December 18, 2007

3 Days Of Recovery

I switched Monday to work Friday with my Korean teacher, so I had yesterday to start getting over this sinus infection. I woke up this morning though with the shakes and really felt ill. I tried to get up and shake it off, but I felt really bad still. I decided to call in sick and it actually will work out good, as Wednesday is a holiday here. voting day, so I will have 3 days off in a row and then back to work Thursday.

One's health is important and we don't really think too much about it until we are sick. The medecine is knocking me a little sick, but I think my body is getting used to it now. It is very strong and I have to take it 3 times a day for 10 days. I have to eat before I take it also.

Going out now to get something to eat and to get some fresh-air. I will also be going to the sauna a little later on. My throat feels better today and my nose is not quite so sore and stuffy......hopefully on the road to recovery.

There you go, whinging is over.......

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