Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness

I have to trace back a little to about a week ago, to start blogging about what I was doing and where I went.

First off, I had to edit a master's paper for my friend Fragile, so I spent quite a few hours correcting punctuation, spelling and a few minor grammar errors. She leaves out the 'article' sometimes, as her native language is Russian and articles don't exist in that language. She speaks English perfectly and also writes it, but at times, she has some minor mistakes and I mean minor. However, over the course of a 30 page paper, these errors can add up, so she asked me to help her. She even offered to pay me.....yeah right......what are friends for!!!!!!
Fragile on the left, Izabella on the right. They visited me, back in October.

In between doing her essay and teaching and teaching and teaching, I got back to the gym and started doing full body part workouts-something I haven't done for months and months. I started working one body part and then do a 2 km run. For example, on Monday I worked back then Tuesday chest and Wednesday triceps and on and on and on.

I couldn't believe how much I sweated. I didn't realize how much I used to sweat in the past lifting-weights- I should have know really....duh....only did weights for about 15 years of my life!!!!!! Anyway, the feeling was awesome and I just started doing heavier weights and lower reps. Saying that, I am not going anywhere near as heavy or c0mmitted as I was. I am not doing the killer deadlifts or the squats!!!!!

Anyway, the weekend rolled around and there was the football Saturday at Hollywoods. Liverpool were atroscious and Benitez is off his head! The other games were alright though except Utd winning. Met up with a few friends, Dave came down from Bundang and got home around 6 in the morning-that is usual for the weekends. Not so much being intoxicated, just staying out and socializing with people that you don't see all week. Chris fell asleep at Hollywoods. He had been drinking all day. He slept for about 2 hours.
My message to Benitez at the moment.

Met a fella from Birmingham, Darren and had a good chat with him. He is living in a tiny city outside Seoul. He has only been here 2 weeks, so he was thrilled to have someone to talk to and a place that had 'foreigners.' He was saying, where he lives, people don't really like the 'aliens,' as we are called, and the next big city over, Pyontaek, hates them even more- felt sorry for the bastard for where he is living........

Cleaned my house on Saturday for 2 hours! I vacuumed, dusted, cleaned up and bleached the shite out of everything. It felt so good having a clean house and even now I can't believe how clean it looks. I am going to keep it this clean, too. It wasn't that dirty by any means, but by my standards it was messy and just generally unkept.

Took a day off from the gym today, but had a nice sauna. My cold seems to be getting better all the time, but is still lingering......oh well, it'll go sometime.

Have to go to the photo shop tomorrow and get the pics done from Richard's triumph at the U17 World Championships as well as his Abiriba Community Party. I have been promising him for the last 3 weeks, but keep putting it off. I am going to do it tomorrow, for sure.....

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