One of the people was John Limberopoulos, a cousin of my ex-wife's. I used to always get along with him so well and a bunch of crap happened within their family itself and we lost touch. I had nothing to do with it.....haha

Anyway, I put his name in and BINGO, his profile came up. I almost shit a brick! What an amazing thing to find someone that I had not seen or spoken to in about 14 years. Last time I saw him was at his wedding. I am happy to say that he is still married and now has a son that is almost 2 years old......cool, John!!!!!!
We both loved music and used to swap cassettes and always talked about music when I visited his mum and dad's house. I always got along with his mum and dad and sister, too because they were always so nice to me.
We exchanged emails and also he gave me his yahoo messenger i.d. and within about 10 mins we were chatting to each other online. Amazing, when you think about it.
I will say once again that life is about always trying and once again, this has proved that fact, outright.
I also gave him my blog, so he can see what I have been up to for the last couple of years at least. Funny thing is that I lived in Toronto for almost 3 years and he has lived there for about 15 years now. We never stayed in touch though.
Unfortunately, most of the ex-wife's family went by the wayside-one of the negative things about divorce. You divorce the whole family, not just the spouse.
Billy, Dave and I back when we all lived in Bundang.

Anyway, I have been divorced over 10 years now and that is all ancient history. Harbour no hard feelings or anger about anything that happened in the past now. It is all about moving forward and talking to John today was absolutely awesome, proving my theory about moving forward and put a hop in my step, that is for sure.
Hey, John, if you are reading this- great to be in touch with you again and all the best for now and the future. I promise I won't stalk you, okay! Well, I can't promise that completely, okay.....haha, just joking.
Korean bbq style......yummy!
I am looking forward to Monday, as after that day, I have almost 10 days off! That means I will be able to recharge my batteries and go to the gym everyday and fight the winter poundage. I am looking forward to the break. Hey, I love my job, but need a break once in a while.
I hope to have some pics of the kids on the day, as we are having a pizza and dvd class for each of the classes. It will be an easy, fun day for me and it only cost us teachers 30 dollars each to pay for 2 pizzas for each class for the whole day.......cool!
Going to Dave's school party after that in Bundang and then celebrating the rest of the night with Dave and hopefully Billy, Rob and Tony.
Tony is supposed to be coming down from Ulsan where we used to live for the 2 days. No drinking of course due to the drugs that I am on and really I don't feel like having a drink, anyway. Do any of you believe that? If you do then I have one thing to say-.......suckers!!!!!!
Rob and I.
Only one day off in Korea, Christmas Day. After that, everyone is back to work, but I am not as I work in the public school system, although it is the after-school program. All the private schools or haegwons as they are called here in Korea, are open for business the next day or our Boxing Day as we know it.
Off for now to play with my new I-pod, which was my present to myself for Christmas...... 80G baby!!!!!!!
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