I bought myself an ipod back in December and it has been one of the best purchases ever as it has given me so much contentment and believe it or not, even more education, and all while I am on the go.
I have a whole host of podcasts on my ipod from news to sport, philosophy, language instruction, documentaries, history, discussion groups, health etc.....

It is like listening to a radio except you pick what broadcast you want to listen to, anytime of the day. There are also vodcasts, which are podcasts with video, just like tv, which you can watch on the screen of your ipod.
It is absolutely amazing and to give you an idea of how diverse the things are that I am listening to, here is an example. I listened to a BBC podcast about, "How to Capture a Castle." It was question and answer podcast between an author and an interviewer about a history book, on the history of castles and how they were sieged at different times in history. From being made out of wood and then on to stone, how the attacks differed. It was a really interesting podcast and it was about 40 minutes long. I learnt a lot and I was thoroughly entertained as I went up and down escalators and on and off buses and subways.

There is a "World Soccer Daily" podcast, which was voted the top podcast last year among many listeners. Two fellas, Steve and Howard who are English, but live in America, discuss anything to do with football. People email in questions and opinions and also people phone in during the show. It is almost 2 hours long, Monday to Friday and is very funny and at times controversial. It does not have to fit the criteria for regular radio behaviour as it is a from SIRRIUS satellite radio enterprises. They are very funny as a duo and some of the callers have great questions and insights into the football world.
If you just want to listen to the show on your pc at home, here is the link to the webpage. They have had trouble since last Tuesday, so no broadcasts were available after Tuesday, but the problems should be solved by Monday.
There are a host of other sports programs such as; 6 minutes of The Leafs Hockey Team highlights after each game, Footy World, ESPN Soccernet Podcast and on and on.
I love the podcasts and I get so much enjoyment from them. I also have a learn Italian podcast and a Greek podcast as well as vocabulary of the day and on an on.

Sorry to go on about the podcasts, but it is an area of my life that has definitely made me feel more in touch with the western world as well as giving me more enjoyment listening to history, sports and other types of entertainment. I even get the Larry King podcast and listen to some of the people that he interviews.

Anyway, enough said about podcasts, but if you have an ipod and are on the go like my job is, you should check out podcasts and learn all about them.
If you are interested about what podcasts are, here is the link from Wikipedia, which by the way is one of the best online resources to find out about pretty well anything. It is like having the world's encyclopedia at your fingers.
Not much else going on at the moment. I am very busy and that is why I have not been blogging so much. I watched the Nigeria vs Mali game on Saturday morning at 4.30am with my Nigerian friend, Richard at my place. Watched the Liverpool game at Hollywood's last night and hung out with Rob and Chris and Dave.
Dave, Chris and I met up in Kangnam and had a meal there before we went to watch the Liverpool game. It ended up being 85 dollars, which by Korean standards is really, really expensive. Still only about 30 dollars each though, and we did eat a lot of bbq'd pork. Usually though, the same meal anywhere else in Seoul would cost half of that. Oh well, live and learn!
I am going to watch the Man U game online at 11 tonight and then off to bed with the start of a new week upon me. I will make my customary Sunday call to my son and then ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!