One was the extra travelling time after I finished work. The location, although close, meant that I had to take an extra bus there and an extra bus back, in order to get home. It didn't take that long, but 25 minutes extra after having already travelled 2 hours plus on the subway and buses, is not needed.
The second reason was the hours that it was open. The Hamilton was open until 11pm Mon to Fri and 6 on a Sat and 4 on a Sunday. I needed a bit more availability at night, as I found myself rushing through my workouts a lot of the times.
Wished I looked as good as this guy. I am going to try, this year!

The new gym is a 5 minute walk from my house and I am paying for 3 months there, what I was paying for a month at The Hamilton. Also, the bus fare will save me about 10 bucks a week. Not much in the overall scheme of things, but better in my pocket.
The other thing is that the gym is open until 2.30am from Mon to Fri, which I am really pleased about. There is no sauna, but I can still go to any sauna once or twice and week for about 5 dollars a go.......much less expensive.

Plus, a change is always good, right! I joined for 3 months and got a locker, so I can leave my running shoes there and my mp3 disc player, too.
I will start working out there tomorrow. I was too tired today to do so, as I got home about 10.15pm and it was my first day back at my school in over 10 days.
Going to bed now and then setting the alarm for 5am to watch Liverpool vs Wigan. Come on boys, let's have a good result tonight.
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