The girls are from left to right; Angella, Laura, Alexandra, Sarah, Christina and Johanna. They are my best class and we always have a great laugh in our class. The two boys above are in the same class too. This is the smallest class that I have. All my other classes have from 12 to 14 students in them, so it hard to get around them sometimes and allow every one of them to speak. This class is great though and three or four of the girls have all studied overseas. Laura is going to New Zealand to live in December. She used to be so diligent, but now that she knows she is going, she has really become lazy....... don't blame her really. She still is a good student, but not as hard a worker as before. She was in one of my classes last semester.
Angella speaks very well, but needs to just practice more, but is a great student. Alexandra is a little sweetheart and her English is awesome. She lived somewhere abroad and she writes, speaks and understands English at a very good level. She is so cute and such a good student in my class. I met her mother and she looks just like her mother and her mother seemed very sweet too.
Sarah just joined the class about 3 weeks ago and she speaks very well, but doesn't do much of her homework. Still a great student though.
Christina is very shy and talks very quietely, but again is at a very good level. She is also a wonderful student in my class.
Johanna, and yes that is the way she spells her name, is good too. Her mother is an English teacher and she ended up being a friend of the girl's sister that teaches me Korean on a Sunday. What a small world eh! She asked me one day, " Do you know a girl called Caroline? " I said yes and she said, " I am friends with her sister, Amy!"
She is a nice girl and all of the students in this class all have a really nice disposition. That is why it is my favourite class.
Sorry that I have not being blogging much, but with the trip to Taipei and marking essay and doing comments and now I have about 90 essays to mark again!!!!! Avalon never gives us a break.... it is getting on my nerves to tell you the truth. Pure overkill on their behalf. I marked 90 essays and then they told me I had to write comments online for the parents. 78 thank you very much! Then we had a speaking test, which we had to mark more essays that the Korean teachers give them for their half of the tests. Now 90 more...... I am miffed to say the least..... ah screw it.......... no use bitchin' Just need to get on with it. I only have 3 months to go.
1 comment:
deal with it...let's watch the game Wednesday too with the British commentary
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