Everytime I think about the time difference between continents, it always freaks me out a little bit. The world is an amazing place and to know that my day is just ending and someone else's is just beginning, is just FREAKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saying that, the clocks in North America and most of the rest of the world, go back an hour this Sunday morning at 2am. That means that I will be back to 14 hours behind Canadian time and 9 hours between English time. The English time is very important to know the time difference, as the football game start times are of the utmost importance...... haha.
Halloween here is not celebrated at all except by the foreigners or the children that are in private schools with foreign teachers. There is no "Trick or Treating" although the kids always ask what it is like. They like to hear me tell them stories of what the children do and how much candy they get.
"Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!" The kids like it when I sing that one to them and ask me to say it again and again. Most of my kids understand what it means and they always ask me, "Teacher, why smell my feet?"
Today is Friday and as usual I blog after my last teaching class of the day. I still have some work to do and of course the 91 essays, but have enough time to have a break and have some down time. I am going to start marking more essays, once I am done finishing this blog.
Yesterday, I had one of the funniest classes that I have ever had in Korea. There is a girl called Amy and she has one of the most unique laughs that I have ever heard. I noticed this a few weeks ago and everytime I have that class, I want her to laugh as it makes my day! Anyway, yesterday I was joking with the class and making a point of how funny Amy's laugh was, and of course Amy started to laugh. Her laugh sounds like something between a cow and a pig, but a little grunt and then a breathe.
As she was laughing, Esther in the front of the class started to laugh. Well, her laugh was just as funny if not funnier than Amy's! It sounded like a whining goat, heheeeeeheeeeheeee....... it was so funny. Well then it was like a mini symphony going on between Amy and Esther. All the rest of the kids were hysterical, including me. Some of the students were actually crying, they had laughed so much. I started to get a sore jaw and also a sore gut. We tried to stop, but everytime someone would read or do anything, we could hear Amy then Esther laughing again.
After about 10 minutes of non-stop laughing, we were all quite exhausted and all smiling from ear to ear. It felt so good to have such fun with a class and it did make my day. It was such a moment, one that I will never ever forget.
I love being a teacher and especially ESL (Enlish as a Second Language). It can be quite demanding sometimes, but at times it can be the most rewarding feeling in the world, when you connect with a student and especially like yesterday, when I connected with the whole class. We did all of our work too, by the way!!!!!!!!!
This photo above is just wrong! Imagine having the balls (literally) to be able to go out looking like that and wearing nothing but your birthday suit. I wonder if he did go out or if it was just shot in a studio for the effect?
The cold weather has finally hit Korea. When I say cold, I don't mean really cold, I should really say that it has just cooled of significantly. At night it gets a little nippy(pardon the apparent racial remark.... not!!!!!) and you feel a little chilly if you don't have a sweater or a light coat on. The Koreans feel the cold a lot more than we do.... the opposite effect to the heat, when we fight with them to turn on the airconditioning.... we now fight with them to turn OFF the heat. It is way too hot for us in the office right now, it feels like a sauna.
I still had the air conditioning on in my apartment on Monday. Must be all the fat that I have that keeps me warm and always sweating... hey I am trying to get rid of it..........
Off to mark essays now and then off to the gym to run off some of the fat, have a sauna and then go out for a few drinks and hang out at Dublin's... probably.
1 comment:
Hi Paul enjoyed reading your blog about your students sounds like you have fun with them.Liverpool is the second match on tomorrow at 10 a.m.they are playing Aston Villa hope they win.Great news about your airfare but do they know that you won't be going back? Love you. Mum oxoxox
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