I get lots of these jokes from my Mum and Dad and to tell you the truth, they are very funny and very age relative. I decided to put a couple on, as they give me a good giggle most of the time that I read them.
I can't believe how quickly this week has been going by. It really seems like it was Monday, like a day ago. I have been pretty busy as always, but this week seems to be going faster than ever.

I even signed up by email to one of the sleep disorder sites, but that doesn't seem to be helping either. I think I just have a sleeping problem and believe me, it is not because I am depressed..... I have nothing to be depressed about...... really.
Talking to people that I meet and some of the teachers in my school, it is a common problem with a lot of people. It is more common than people think. Anyway, I hope that my sleeping improves, but if not, I have lasted this long without a proper night's sleep and I can do it for many more years to come.
On a happier note, I will have completed 9 months of my contract next week. Only 3 months to go now before I finish at Avalon. I am getting a little excited now at the prospect of having a good holiday for the first time in a lot of years. I already have somewhat of a travel plan. Tentatively it is Canada, England, Ireland, Holland and Germany. I don't have a set plan, but I plan on seeing a few countries that I have not been to and want to see Gus in Ireland, Elmira in Germany and visit the family in Liverpool and Dave's family in Holland.
It will have been two and a half years since I saw Mum and Dad and my sister, which is a sin in itself. I know that I have mentioned it before, but I will not allow myself to have that much time apart EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!
I am off to the gym tonight and I am going to do chest and arms and a 2 km run. I lift weights one day and then run without weights the next day. I am determined to get some more of this baby fat off me, if it literally kills me because if I don't get it off me, it will eventually kill me in the long run.
Yes, you're not alone on that lack of sleep thing... of course, it could have something to do with weekends, and being up till 4-5-6-or even 9, like the last time you, Dave, and I were in Itaewon... but it's definitely something more, what? I have no idea... happened last night in fact, fell asleep around 11, woke up at 2, watched SCARFACE till 6... slept till 830... and never really felt like rest at any point... hate it... might look into herion if this doesn't get any better...
Hey Paul, it will be good to see you here in the land of the wooden shoe and tulips, etc. While you are here in Holland you and Dave will have to take a trip to Amsterdam and we're going to try to get some tickets to a good football game once we know the definate dates that you'll be here! Take care of yourself and my brother!!
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