I am happy to say that Real Madrid won their first title in over 4 years. Kind of a fitting ending to Beckham's time there. At least he won ONE trophy......haha.
I watched the Beckham documentary when I was flying back from Manchester to Dubai. It showed Beckham in Spain and it was quite well done. He seems like a nice enough lad, but it also showed that he loves the attention that he gets. It also showed how rich he is and how out of touch he is a bit. But overall for as famous as he is, he is not bad........well, some would say that was open for debate.
I hope for the sake of the game in the U.S. he takes the game to another level and projects football into another era for the Americans. It can't do the game any harm and I think he will do better than what Pele and Beckanbauer did, as he is still in his prime and if he carries on playing for England, that in itself will make a big difference.

I had a great weekend, despite that fact that our football match was cancelled. Met Rob at his new place and Dave came down and joined us. We also met up yesterday evening and had a few pints at Geckos and then Seoul pub. Sunday nights in Seoul, at some places, are quite busy, which is always nice.
My house is getting into shape, somewhat. At least it doesn't look like a bomb hit it now! I vacuumed for the first time and things are getting to the point that I am feeling a bit tidier now. I also washed my dishes for the first time, too.
Sunday was Father's Day and I talked to my Dad and my son and also Saturday was my brother-in-law's birthday, so I had a few conversations on the phone over the weekend. Everyone sounded great and it is so nice to be able to just pick the phone up anywhere where I am situated, and call one of my family members. I love technology nowadays. There are no limits to what you can do and imagine what it is going to be like year after year. It will probably end up like a Star War's movie in the end...........lol.
1 comment:
I love Mondays too...but Fridays and Saturdays are better! lol Van nistelrroy limped off that game but he still finished with 25 goals!! not bad for a washout eh!
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