Wednesday, July 04, 2007

More Pics Of My New Students Including Some Of The Same Students.

3 days into the new semester and I am starting to remember some of the students names, but not all.

It was Independence Day for America and Isaiah said something funny to me today. He asked me if I was mad or angry at him. I said no and asked why. He responded with the line that it was today that America kicked England's arse!!!!! Quite funny and somewhat orginal. I replied that we kicked their arse for a long long time before that.....hehehe.

Anyway some of the pics are below and above. Check the one out with the set of twins; Jan and Nelly.

1 comment:

tonight at noon said...

great fucking shots paul... just remember to lean down to thier world when you take the pics... so much beauty in these, keep them comin my friend. i think you have more than an eye, you've never given yourself credit for...