I hope this blog is interesting to read and gives you some insight into my life! I also hope that it gives you glimpses of the person that I am and the hopes and aspirations that I aim to fulfill now and in the future because I have no idea where I am going or what I am doing..... ever!!!!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Just Found Out About This Guy From America's Talent Show
Monday, October 29, 2007
Halloween Celebrations In Seoul And Other Places
There were some good costumes around though. I didn't get to see too many as I hung out at Hollywood's all weekend and the other places were having fancy-dress parties and such. I was watching football most of the weekend.
I did get a good pic off Facebook though of Gareth down in Ulsan. He is dressed like a woman and makes a bloody good one, I must say. (He is the one in the scarf)hahaha.
He won't even know that I have put the pic on my blog, as he hardly ever checks my blog out. But, if he does.....surprise, Gareth!!!!!!
Watched the Liverpool game last night and it was a very good game, but Liverpool have no creativity up front. Crouch played well and needs to be used more often. A good match, but not a great performance by either side really.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
An Oldie But A Goldie!
October Rolls On

October only has about one week left and then we are into November. I can't believe how fast time has flew. It seems like yesterday I was in the Philippines and also Canada, England and Holland. Sometimes, time just seems to fly here in Korea.

Friday, October 26, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
For Those Of You Who Didn't See The Game
I am happy to be back playing and the fellas are a nice bunch of lads. We are second in the league now. At the end of the season top two teams get promoted to the first division and bottom two from the first go down. We may get promoted if we carry on playing the way we have done.
Watch the video, if you didn't get to see the game. Especially us here in Korea. We didn't watch it in English.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Back Playing Football
Dave started playing a couple of weeks ago and Rob also has played twice for them. So, last weekend we had a game in Bundang, which is where I used to live and Dave still lives. Most of the games will be played there and on the dirt pitches, which are a combination of sand and stone-seriously!
Today however, we are going down to Suwon, which is a little bit further north than Bundang and we are playing on an artificial pitch, which will be very nice. We beat the other team last week, 5-1 and we are playing them again today.
Can't get too cocky, as the score didn't reflect how close the game was until about the last 20 minutes. The other team has some runners and I hope to run a bit more than I did last week. I only played about 40 minutes in total as I was cramping up a bit in the second half and pulled myself off so that I wouldn't be dead the next day.
I think we might be short of players today, but then again maybe not. The team has a nice bunch of fellas on it and everyone doesn't seem so serious, which I like. It is still competitive, though.
The team is run by a Scots fella called Craig. He is about the same age as me and is married to a Korean girl. He plays in a rock band also and is a really cool lad. We all went for a drink after the match last week and I got to know a few of the lads.
One of the lads, Tony, is from London, Ontario, also! Small world. He is about to get married to a Korean girl. He is only young and his family is originally from El Salvador.
Watched the Liverpool game last night and was not impressed with how they played again, but a win is a win and we have bragging rights now until the next derby game.
Also watched the first half of the World Rugby Final, which England lost to South Africa. They put up a good fight, but were not strong enough to hold back the South Africans. Not a try scored in the whole game, although England got one called back. All the points were scored on kicks.
Off to me Rob now and then get the bus from Kangnam to Suwon. Hope we win again. Watch this space for the results.
Can't upload any pics at the moment. Blogger is working on the upload tool, then I can add a couple of pics.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Great Video With A Good Song To Go With It
An Absolutely Amazing Goal!
Fighting A Bad Cold And Enjoying The Autumn Weather
For Those Who Have Dabbled In Some Of The Stuff......Hilarious!
All The Scousers Know "Purple Ackey!"
The story is that he used to go up to young men or whoever and touch their muscles. If you want to know the full story look up 'Purple Ackey' on Wikipedia. It gives the full story and busts the myths that were going around for around 20 years or so.
He still is a mad bastard like, but not the urban legend that everyone thought. Chris said that he heard he had been killed 3 times and came back to life......haha.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Shame On Her! He Was A Daft Get!

Weird Dreams!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Monday, October 08, 2007
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Haven't Been Much In The Mood For Blogging!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Positive Move?
It is always better to know the devil that you are dealing with by talking to him than no communication at all.......my opinion anyway.
This is big news here in Korea, anyway: