October only has about one week left and then we are into November. I can't believe how fast time has flew. It seems like yesterday I was in the Philippines and also Canada, England and Holland. Sometimes, time just seems to fly here in Korea.

It is the end of the semester at my school again; every 9 weeks, we finish and start another one. That means they have to re-enroll, which gets the school worrying about numbers once again. I don't care to tell you the truth.

The business side of it always bugs the shite out of me. I am a teacher, not a businessman. Don't get me wrong, of course I want to have lots of students, but sometimes the smaller schools put pressure on the teachers if their numbers are diminishing

The funny thing is that it is not necessarily the teacher's faults that the students don't re-enroll. There are lots of reasons why the children don't decide to come back; not enough money, graduating to middle-school ( that is a big one), don't have time because of other classes that they attend, such as piano, taekwondo etc.,
I just take it as it comes and carry on as always. One thing the Korean teacher asked me at my school, was if I would teach a high-level TOEFL or TOEIC class and we could enroll as many as 20 students in it. I said okay, I don't mind. I don't care what I teach, I just like teaching.

Big game coming on Sunday for Liverpool. After the shocking defeat to Besiktas, we could do with a win against the league leaders, Arsenal. It will be a test for them as well as us, but I think more of a test for them, as they have not played a good attacking team this season, yet.
Tonight, no real plan. Just go to Hollywood's and watch some football. Oh, I forgot. Guido is having a going away party. I will be going there. He leaves on Monday back to Italy.....too bad. Also, Craig, the coach of our football team is playing at RMT in Itaewon. He plays drums and I am looking forward to seeing him. Should be a fun night, overall. Not going to drink a lot as I play on Sunday and I am looking forward to playing then.
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