I was married again to the same woman and I was thinking to myself in the dream, "What have I done. I have made a mistake. I don't want to be married. I want to travel the world. I don't want to do a boring job again. I was having such a good time."

I was also worried about breaking Tyler's heart again and telling him that I was divorcing his mother for the second time. Also, the house that we had together before, was massive now and I was cringing about how much upkeep it was going to be!

Everytime I woke up, I would sigh and say thank god it was a dream. But then, back it came again. I must have woke up at least 4 times and went back to the same dream.

I used to have the same dream about finishing university, too. In the dream, I would miss the last exam or would not hand in the last assignment, so I couldn't graduate and travel the world as an ESL Teacher. I had that dream at least a dozen times. Weird stuff, eh?
I think I have an idea what it represents. I think in a roundabout way, I am happy that I am not in those situations anymore and have moved on. But what I don't understandis, why am I still thinking about that stuff, when it is done and dusted?
Anyone got any ideas? Any Freuds out there? I would appreciate anyone that wants to leave a comment; other than I am absolutely nuts......haha.
Not much else going on right now except I have a doozie of a cold. I have been fighting it big time today. I had the shakes this morning, but fought through them and hacked and coughed and by the time I got to school, I felt a little better.
Got through the day and then went to the gym. Shook all through my weight workout and then walked fast for 5mins and then ran full out for 10. When I finished I had the chills, but went into the sauna and sweated up a storm. I feel better already, but will wrap up when I go out, as it has finally cooled off now to comfortable sleeping weather with the windows wide-open.

I have joined up with a new football commentary site. It is just ordinary people writing articles about any sports. You just have to click on the EPL link and it will take you to all the articles that people are writing.
I will be writing something sometime this week, so keep your eyes peeled. Here is the link to the site:
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