Well, the laptop has not gotten any better. It keeps shutting down on me anytime that I try to download anything. I downloaded a registry repair program, but it only repairs about 5 of your minor problems. If you want more, you have to purchase the whole program.

The registry is showing about 100 problems. I think that is the problem, but don't know what to do to fix it all up. I think I will have to take it to a shop and get a new hard-drive installed on it and a new Windows XP OS as well as maybe Microsoft Word and Excel. I will price around and see how much it is. Until then, I will be posting from the pc room. It is not that expensive; 1.50 and hour!
Yesterday was a holiday. Dave and I met up with a bunch of other Canadian fellas from Windsor, Ontario and had a soccer match against a bunch of middle-school kids. They held their own and I have to give them their due, they lost to us 8-4, but it was boys playing men, so, great experience for them. It was great to run around, but it was roasting hot and I got a bit of a sunburn. It was nice to sweat and lose a few pounds in the process.
After the game was over, Dave and I walked back home, which took about 20 mins. Then we had lunch and went to the public bath. It was awesome sitting in the sauna and then the cold bath over and over.
Dave wiped out really bad in the game. His feet went on top of the ball and he fell legs sideways down on the pitch, which was all dirt. He has a nice big scab on his right hip to prove he played yesterday's game! The dirt pitches are all at the schools and they are like fine sand with stones and everything mixed in. It doesn't give at all, that is for sure.
The night before I ran for 45 mins without stopping at the gym, so I had a couple of good days of pushing myself. I don't feel that bad today. I am a little stiff, but I am going to walk to work today and then go to the gym again tonight. I am fully focused on getting thinner now and nothing is going to stop me from getting to my final goal of being lighter and much healthier.
I feel a little lighter overall to tell you the truth. I weighed myself after we came out of the public bath and I was 102.5kgs! That is a drop already from 105kgs last Friday. That translates to a change from 231lbs to 224. About 7lbs in 4 days. I know it sounds a bit drastic, but the first 10 pounds usually come of really quick; fluid and excess water retention. The key is to keep it off and eat healthy. Let's just see eh!!!!!
Hi Paul hope you get your computer sorted out, it sounds just like the way ours went and we ended up having to get a new tower which came with windows xp and hopefully you can do the same.Getting excited about the world cup and when I spoke to our Jackie last night her and Nuri are too and yes we will be watching England on Saturday. Keep the good work up concerning your diet and you do have good will power and most of the time it is everything in moderation. Apple Cider Vinegar tablets are a help too as they get your metabolism going so maybe you should look out for them.That's all for now son love you and miss you always so take care of yourself. Mum oxoxoxo
Quick hint...if you need the full version of the registry program, go here
You can download whats known as a crack...a little program or working serial number that'll unlock the whole program
Best of luck.
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