First my laptop crashed completely, didn't have a clue how to fix it and eventually ended up reformatting the hard-drive with 2 of my recovery cds. I still haven't recovered myself, never mind the computer. I lost every file including pics and my univesity essays and other useless shite. I guess this will teach me to back things up onto cds and disks and the like. Oh well, we live and learn as they say.
When computers work well, they are awesome and a lot of fun and make life a lot easier to do things with, but when they go on the blink, they can send you to the nut-house- if you aren't there already!
I guess really, that was the only bad thing that happened on the weekend. I guess I was so stressed out, I thought lots happened. See what a pc can do to yer! Anyway, I got it going again, but keep getting some message about shell.... export and the pc will now shut down. I can still access the internet, but once I try downloading anything, I am pooched, plus it freezes all the time on me now. It is twice as fast as it was before now, when it works. I keep having to shut it off and restarting it and then it will work, for god knows how long.
I think I need a new hard-drive. I was going to buy an external hard-drive in the near future, so I think I will just get a new one put on the laptop and maybe also a cd/dvd burner to go with it. It shouldn't be that expensive, but the only problem will be getting Windows XP in English from one of these stores here..... wish me luck.
I stuck to my shortlist of health foods all weekend. Didn't drink on Friday night or Saturday night, but had a couple of drinks while watching Korea vs Ghana on Sunday night. I am getting excited now about the World Cup and was chuffed to see England thumping Jamaica 6-O.
A good friend of mine, Gareth from England, is coming down this weekend with a couple of other mates of mine too, to watch the England vs Paraguay game on Saturday night and then watch the Holland game on Sunday. He lives in Ulsan ,where as you all know, I used to live. He is from Manchester, but he is a Blues supporter, so he is okay..... haha.

I went to the gym on Friday for the first time. Then I went on Saturday and last night too. I am keeping to my scheduled plan and also I went to the public bath on Sunday afternoon. I sweated my arse off and it felt so good. I did a little bit of weight-training too, very little, to see how the elbow will hold up. It seems good today and I am glad that I didn't overdo it in the gym on the weekend. I just did some tricep pulldowns and some dumbell curls as well as some pec-deck. Only did about sets of 20-30 for each one, which is not overdoing it by a long shot. Tonight I am going to run at a slower speed and try to run for one hour, non-stop. I used to run 10km in about 63 mins before I got the elbow injury, regularly, so it shouldn't take me long to get back into the shape again.
Not much else to speak of. Did a lot of walking on the weekend to various places. Kicked a ball around for about 15 mins in a small park yesterday with Dave and a bunch of lads he met a few days ago. It was a great run around and I sweated my arse of again.
The weather is getting really humid here again and I love it! It can be so hot sometimes when you are outside, but I love the heat as apposed to the cold. One of the main reasons that I left Canada for greener pastures!!!!! Working in the snow and dealing with it for 4 to 5 months of the year, used to do my head in.
I have been having trouble at home, before my pc crashed and at work, uploading pics on my blog. I don't know what the problem is and I am feeling naked, posting blogs without any pics. Seems strange and looks a little monotonous if you as me.
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