I hope this blog is interesting to read and gives you some insight into my life! I also hope that it gives you glimpses of the person that I am and the hopes and aspirations that I aim to fulfill now and in the future because I have no idea where I am going or what I am doing..... ever!!!!!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Liverpool Stu's Class Chrimbo Special!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Sleepless Nights In Seoul Korea!

Thursday, December 27, 2007
Ride Baby Ride Baby Ride Baby Ride!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Memories Of Being A Binman Or As They Say In North America: A Garbage Man
I did this job for more than 7 years.......tough work and no lifters on our trucks! All the bags got thrown in by pure force.
Average weight thrown a day by 2 men all year around was about 15-20 tons per day! Yes, that is right per day. That means that each man physically threw in about 20,000lbs of weight in a truck......don't miss that job.
It was a great job in the spring and summer and fall, but herrendous in the winter. Good learning experience, but the grunt has gone from my resume now. I am an educator now.....haha.
A Few Christmas Jokes To Get You In The Mood

A Few Christmas Jokes To Get You In The Mood

Saturday, December 22, 2007
Facebook Hits A Bingo Again......Amazing!

One of the people was John Limberopoulos, a cousin of my ex-wife's. I used to always get along with him so well and a bunch of crap happened within their family itself and we lost touch. I had nothing to do with it.....haha

Anyway, I put his name in and BINGO, his profile came up. I almost shit a brick! What an amazing thing to find someone that I had not seen or spoken to in about 14 years. Last time I saw him was at his wedding. I am happy to say that he is still married and now has a son that is almost 2 years old......cool, John!!!!!!
We both loved music and used to swap cassettes and always talked about music when I visited his mum and dad's house. I always got along with his mum and dad and sister, too because they were always so nice to me.
We exchanged emails and also he gave me his yahoo messenger i.d. and within about 10 mins we were chatting to each other online. Amazing, when you think about it.
I will say once again that life is about always trying and once again, this has proved that fact, outright.
I also gave him my blog, so he can see what I have been up to for the last couple of years at least. Funny thing is that I lived in Toronto for almost 3 years and he has lived there for about 15 years now. We never stayed in touch though.
Unfortunately, most of the ex-wife's family went by the wayside-one of the negative things about divorce. You divorce the whole family, not just the spouse.
Billy, Dave and I back when we all lived in Bundang.

Anyway, I have been divorced over 10 years now and that is all ancient history. Harbour no hard feelings or anger about anything that happened in the past now. It is all about moving forward and talking to John today was absolutely awesome, proving my theory about moving forward and put a hop in my step, that is for sure.
Hey, John, if you are reading this- great to be in touch with you again and all the best for now and the future. I promise I won't stalk you, okay! Well, I can't promise that completely, okay.....haha, just joking.
Korean bbq style......yummy!
I am looking forward to Monday, as after that day, I have almost 10 days off! That means I will be able to recharge my batteries and go to the gym everyday and fight the winter poundage. I am looking forward to the break. Hey, I love my job, but need a break once in a while.
I hope to have some pics of the kids on the day, as we are having a pizza and dvd class for each of the classes. It will be an easy, fun day for me and it only cost us teachers 30 dollars each to pay for 2 pizzas for each class for the whole day.......cool!
Going to Dave's school party after that in Bundang and then celebrating the rest of the night with Dave and hopefully Billy, Rob and Tony.
Tony is supposed to be coming down from Ulsan where we used to live for the 2 days. No drinking of course due to the drugs that I am on and really I don't feel like having a drink, anyway. Do any of you believe that? If you do then I have one thing to say-.......suckers!!!!!!
Rob and I.
Only one day off in Korea, Christmas Day. After that, everyone is back to work, but I am not as I work in the public school system, although it is the after-school program. All the private schools or haegwons as they are called here in Korea, are open for business the next day or our Boxing Day as we know it.
Off for now to play with my new I-pod, which was my present to myself for Christmas...... 80G baby!!!!!!!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
3 Days Of Recovery
One's health is important and we don't really think too much about it until we are sick. The medecine is knocking me a little sick, but I think my body is getting used to it now. It is very strong and I have to take it 3 times a day for 10 days. I have to eat before I take it also.

Going out now to get something to eat and to get some fresh-air. I will also be going to the sauna a little later on. My throat feels better today and my nose is not quite so sore and stuffy......hopefully on the road to recovery.
There you go, whinging is over.......
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sinus Problem!

I am on medicine now for the next 10 days and can't drink while I am on them. I am happy about that....really!!!!! Gives me an excuse to have a 'dry' Christmas and then carry it on into the New Year. I am tired of going to the same places and doing the same thing.....drinking......

Talking to Dave today and told him that I would like to come to Bundang on Xmas Eve and stay at his place, then spend Xmas Day there. Something different than the same places here in Seoul, for once.

Not sure what the plan is, but I don't care. I just want to chill out and get away from the booze. Don't care what it involves, just hang out with some good friends and have a good time without liquor. I don't mind if my friends drink, don't get me wrong, but I can't anyway.

This time of year is always difficult being away from family. I don't think the family even understands how difficult it is being along in a foreign land. Alone, meaning no other family members around. It is a bit of an up and down feeling, but generally just would like to be there for the holidays and hang out with your family.
So, that is the choice that has been made and I knew that many years ago. It still doesn't make it any easier, though. Through all the up and downs though, a lot of soul searching usually goes on in my head over the holidays especially before the New Year......usually good things, too.

The job is going well and I can say that I have job satisfaction. The kids are getting better and I think I am becoming a better teacher all the time. I enjoy the challenge daily of getting the kids to improve and it is very heart-warming to see them actually do it!
Watched the Liverpool vs Man Utd game last night; once again, shite game, but overall Liverpool had the ball more, created more chances, but couldn't score. I though Benitez should have pulled of Kuyt and Kewell at half-time, as they were both stinking the place out ,really. They were just not on their games, but gave a gallant effort.....just not their day.
Not much else to say. Taking my medicine and staying warm and eating healthy. Can't overdo it at the gym, too, as the doctor said to not overdo it too much due to the sinus infection.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I Hope This Is A Sign Of The Attitude To Come
I hope this manager will do what England players need- someone to kick their bleedin' arses into shape.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness

Monday, December 03, 2007
Liverpool F.C's Charter: Something To Be So Proud Of

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The Facebook Phenomenon
I must say, he was spot on! I have been a member of the facebook community now for over 5 or 6 months. It is amazing how you can find people that you haven't spoken to or seen in years, as well as keep in touch a lot easier with people than sending single emails from an email account. It is an easy to use website and I recommend it for anyone that wants to keep in touch with friends or family much easier.
On another note, Sara is leaving early Thursday morning, so tomorrow night it is time to boot down to Bundang again and say goodbye at her place. There will be a bunch of people at her apartment, just kind of chilling out and saying their goodbyes.
She will be missed by quite a few people, but there is no excuse for losing touch due to facebook and other communication tools.
I have open class tomorrow at my school. That means that the parents can come and observe the teachers teaching during the class. It should be interesting to see how nervous some of the students get when they know their parents are there......haha.
I am kicking my cold finally, but I have post-nasal drip at the moment. My nose won't stop running and it is quite embarassing at times, the way that the stuff just keeps dripping out of my nasal passages.
Liverpool play Porto tomorrow night and have to win to progress and then beat Marseille if they want to win the group. Benitez's situation at the moment is quite bizarre. I am surprised that Liverpool have showed their dirty laundry so blatently to the public. It is not usually like them to do that.....how times change, I suppose.
The weather is getting cooler here, but today was a beautiful sunny day. It was a bit chilly, but the nice thing about Korea is that the floors are heated......such a nice feeling when you walk on it first thing in the morning, or when you get back home from somewhere. Kind of unique to this part of the world and definitely something I really, really like.
Went to the sauna tonight and sweated the hell out of myself. It is really helping with my cold also. Had a good arm workout, which is something I haven't done for a while and also had a good run.
Hey you! Have a great day!

I am back to being a brunette now. Tired of the blond hair especially in the winter. It will do for now until all the grey starts coming through again.....hehe.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Another Video Back When Nigeria Won U17 World Championships Here In Seoul Korea
We had a great time and it was great to see our good friend so happy!!!!! Yes, Richard, they won!!!!!!
Monday, November 26, 2007
A Great Sunday Surprise
I met another friend outside the Hamilton Hotel, Jason, a fella that I used to work with at Avalon in Bundang last year. He was invited, too! Chris met us there also. We all know Richard and he is such a nice man. Rob showed up after his pool league game, too.
It was a really cool as it was carried out with complete Nigerian authentic customs when it came to starting and finishing the event.
I have been trying to upload a video of the event with not much luck....gonna try and post it on youtube and then put it from there on my blog.....wish me luck....photos for now......
I hope this video comes out, as it shows the elder or leader of the tribe being escorted in to the hall to begin the proceedings. Age is of the utmost impotance to the Abiriba tribe and is still carried on today as it was and still is in Nigeria. I will do another blog soon and go into more detail about it, but all said and done it was a great couple of hours. Free food and drinks, too. Richard on his phone at the party!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
A Great Book

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
It's Wonderful Having A Sister

Just Get On With It!

That is the phrase of the day: Just get on with it!

Monday, November 19, 2007
Letting A Few Things Out