I have been joking around for the last few years with all of my friends about this very subject. Except I said this about anyone that wants us to stop saying 'Merry Xmas' and all the other religious traditions that we have. Try saying anything like that in any other country.... you would be either asked to leave or executed or jailed etc.............
Okay so there are a few funny comparisons in this article that don't make much sense to some of us, but the whole overall context of the article, we can all relate to. Take it with a little tongue in cheek, okay?
Every human being has the right to food, shelter and medical care, but where do we draw the line. Especially when they are invited guests in our country until they earn the right to be called llegitimate citizens, which they know they have to. Anyone that disagrees with this statement, check out the immigration laws!
Don't know who wrote this particular article, but I would like to say, "Right on dude!"
If you are ready for the adventure of a lifetime TRY THIS:
Enter any non-English speaking country illegally. Never mind immigration quotas, visas, international law, or any of that nonsense.
Once there, demand that the local government provide free medical care for you and your entire family.
Demand bilingual nurses and doctors. Demand free bilingual local government forms, bulletins, etc. Procreate abundantly.
Deflect any criticism of this allegedly irresponsible reproductive behaviour with, "It is a cultural Canadian thing. You would not understand, pal."
Keep your Canadian identity strong. Fly the Maple leaf from your rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window or on your car bumper.
Demand classes on Canadian culture in their school system.
Demand a local drivers license.
This will afford other legal rights and will go far to legitimize your unauthorized, illegal presence in their country.
Drive around with no liability insurance and ignore local traffic laws, such as street racing. Insist that local law enforcement teach English to all its officers.
Join the country's Army and insist on wearing a Stetson with the uniform and on getting a sex change operation paid for from their military budget. Good luck! You'll be demanding for the rest of time or you'll soon be dead.
It will never happen! It will not happen in any other country in the world except right here in Canada, Land of the naive and stupid, idiotic politically correct politicians. Oh Canada!!
Speak only English at home and in public and insist that your children do likewise.
Demand classes on Canadian culture in their school system.
Demand that the country stop praying to their God as it is offensive to you, the anagnostic and the atheist. But explain that you would still like the statutory paid holiday that falls on their religious holidays. It will never happen...... you will be found dead or maybe not found at all.
Canada we love you for being the most liberal, fence-sitting nation in the world. It could only happen in Canada.....Oh, we stand on guard for thee!!!!!!