Friday, March 31, 2006

ESPNsoccernet - England - FA planning trial by video for serial divers

This is a brilliant idea! It took them long enough to figure it out, but let's hope that at least in England, it will improve the climate of the game completely.
I hate seeing anyone get a penalty that is not deserved or a foul where it looks like they were shot. Remember the infamous Rivaldo at the 2002 World Cup in Korea? Where the ball hit him in the leg and he grabbed his own head like he had been shot or something. He got fined for it, but it didn't go any further than that. That kind of action is becoming commonplace now all over the football world.
I for one will be glad if these professional players get done for simulating contact or fouls.

ESPNsoccernet - England - FA planning trial by video for serial divers

April 7th, 2000. A monumental date in both my life and Dave's.

Dave my bestest friend and I doing
what we do best!

Well, Dave and I are fast approaching the anniversary of our arrival in Korea.The date was April 7th, 2000. Our lives have never been the same since.

Dave, while we were in Canada, had seen an article in the paper about taking a course to teach English in other countries to non-English speakers. He mentioned that he was going to take it in the January, as he was not working at the time.

I was still working at the City of London at the time, but hated the job so much that it was turning me into a vegetable... well I still am one of those anyway! Anyhow, I decided in Dec, 1999 that the millenium was coming, so I had better change my life sooner or later.

That was when I decided that I was going to quit the City of London as an employee. After Christmas Eve, I never went back again. The day after the holidays, I sat in front of my computer and typed my letter of resignation. Hit the print button and went to start my truck to drop the letter of at City Hall.

The truck was as dead as a doornail. Was that an omen? So, I hopped on a bus, something I hadn't done in many many years. Got off at City Hall and dropped the letter off. I thanked the corporation for all the opportunities they had given me, but it was time to move on. So, 15 years of seniority and 5 weeks paid vacation, pension money and a job for life..... Gone, long gone, thank you!

I had no idea what I was going to do, but knew that another day at the City was never going to fulfill me. Now back to the teaching English idea that Dave had mentioned.

We both took it in the February. Dave agreed to wait for me! There we were in the February mesmorised at the opportunities that they seemed to be telling us about. Believe me TESOL saved our lives and changed us forever and told us the total truth! Kudos to that organization then and now. They have a new president now by the way. Just go to
I had decided to sell my house and get rid of everything that I owned, to just start a new life somewhere else. So, once again we could have gone earlier than the April, but for my house! Dave agreed once again to wait and we would go to Korea together. Anyway, my house sold in 10 days. Triplexes have a tendency to attract fast buyers..... tenant income!!!!!!!

Dave and I found a job thanks to a couple of Canadians that were already in Ulsan. Ironically, Dave and I are going to Dan Gauthier's wedding on April 30th in Ulsan. He is one of the fellas that recruited us here. We are looking forward to that.

So, that is my story of the last few years anyway. In between, I returned to Canada for 3 years and got my degree at The University of Toronto. Dave has been here the full 6 years. Trials and tribulations aside, we both couldn't be happier and have found our place on the planet, for now anyway......haha.

So next week, we are going to celebrate in style, to say the least.
What am I saying anyway? We ALWAYS do everything in style, if I must say so myself.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

A few pics of Kyoung Hee, myself and our small apartment.

This is a shot of the living room-bedroom-dining room. Notice the small water machine in the corner complete with the rice cooker below it and the toaster overn. Space usage is of the utmost importance in Korea! The t.v. is beside it with the bookshelf stereo in the corner. I bought that stereo back in 2000 and Dave had it while I was gone. He was nice enough to offer to give it back to me last September when he moved up to Bundang. It is a god send some times.

A nice pic of Kyoung Hee doing her sexy pose.... as always. That girl loves a camera, I can tell you that. Big-headed git.... haha.
See that small silver screen in the background by the water machine? It is the security system that shows whoever rings the door bell and also there is a button that makes a hell of a noise and echos out into the hall if you want the person to get the hell out of there i.e. an unwanted soul.

A pic of me about 2 weeks after bleaching my hair.... what is left of it anyway. I seem to be getting it everywhere else on my body, but losing it on my head! Welcome to my world, people.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Chuncheon.... pronounced Choonchon! Famous for very spicy bbq'd chicken Korea wide!

Chuncheon is a very famous city in Korea known for its traditional 'Dakalbee.' This is very very spicy bbq'd chicken. The downtown has a specific area where all the restaurants that sell this dish are. It is quite funny as women stand outside their specific restaurants and beckon you in. It is almost like salesmen trying to get you to buy something.

Dave, Kyoung Hee and I went there 2 weekends ago. We met a friend of Dave's, Mi-Sun, who lives in Chuncheon.
We met her and 2 of her friends and had dakalbee at one of the restaurants downtown. Here are a couple of pics and there is a good pic of the food itself taken by Dave, who has his own blog now. His blog is
Check it out and learn some more things about Korea.

Dave and I are best friends and came to Korea together back on April 7th, 2000. Dave has been here the whole time, but I went back to Canada for 3 years to go to university and then came back. We were roomates and taught at the same school, Lion E School, back in 2000. We plan on celebrating our anniversary in the next 2 weeks.

Dave, on the right looking sauve in his little apron. You have to wear them so that the food doesn't splash on your clothes.

Kyoung Hee and I doing the Martha Stewart and the Iron Chef impersonations. We are stylin' biatches!!!!!!

Chuncheon is a little countryish for my style, but well worth the visit again for the chow. Let's hope that I can get there again sometime in the near future again, but not too soon. My colon can only take so much of that spicy stuff.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Cell Phone 101; Good Manners On A Cell Phone... Are You Kidding Me!

One of my ongoing rants is all about the lack of cell phone manners.... worldwide!
It seems that most people have become so attached to their little 'ear friend,' that they don't feel the need to think where they are and who they are or aren't offending while using it.

From listening to people arguing on the damn thing on the bus, to listening to someone talking on it while having a pee or on the toilet, the scope of the thing has become immense.

Most people are not aware that their phones have a vibrate mode as well as what is called 'manner mode.'
People shout, speak so loud, talk while waiting in the line at the bank, variety store etc., There really are no parameters.

While paying to get on the bus, crossing the road... Oh, the big one; while driving and drinking a cup of coffee.... haha. Only funny if you don't kill someone or yourself!

My question is, " Why has our behaviour spiralled to this point concerning cell phones?" Why is it so specific to cell phones and not to our other 'face to face' communcations? It really is strange, but it is something that needs to be either changed or at least have parameters of behaviour given to it.

Hey, I have a cell phone and am guilty of at least a few of the noted behaviours. I try to stop myself and act 'with etiquette,' but it is difficult at the best of times. Again, I ask myself why?

The cell phone is an amazing piece of technology. It can help us with security issues, protecting our kids, helping us in extreme weather conditions if our vehicles break down, keeps us in touch with our friends and families when we are in another country and most of all, gives us that link to social interaction that we are so lacking in other areas of our communications! A little sarcasm that I hope you can understand?

With that, I will sign off and hope to have some comments on this issue or lack of. Am I just up tight or do I really have a point here?
Why don't I offer another tip; don't leave a message here, just text me on my cell phone.....Hahahahaha!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

My sentiments to anyone that is an immigrant in any country!

I have been joking around for the last few years with all of my friends about this very subject. Except I said this about anyone that wants us to stop saying 'Merry Xmas' and all the other religious traditions that we have. Try saying anything like that in any other country.... you would be either asked to leave or executed or jailed etc.............

Okay so there are a few funny comparisons in this article that don't make much sense to some of us, but the whole overall context of the article, we can all relate to. Take it with a little tongue in cheek, okay?

Every human being has the right to food, shelter and medical care, but where do we draw the line. Especially when they are invited guests in our country until they earn the right to be called llegitimate citizens, which they know they have to. Anyone that disagrees with this statement, check out the immigration laws!

Don't know who wrote this particular article, but I would like to say, "Right on dude!"

If you are ready for the adventure of a lifetime TRY THIS:

Enter any non-English speaking country illegally. Never mind immigration quotas, visas, international law, or any of that nonsense.
Once there, demand that the local government provide free medical care for you and your entire family.

Demand bilingual nurses and doctors. Demand free bilingual local government forms, bulletins, etc. Procreate abundantly.

Deflect any criticism of this allegedly irresponsible reproductive behaviour with, "It is a cultural Canadian thing. You would not understand, pal."

Keep your Canadian identity strong. Fly the Maple leaf from your rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window or on your car bumper.

Demand classes on Canadian culture in their school system.
Demand a local drivers license.
This will afford other legal rights and will go far to legitimize your unauthorized, illegal presence in their country.

Drive around with no liability insurance and ignore local traffic laws, such as street racing. Insist that local law enforcement teach English to all its officers.

Join the country's Army and insist on wearing a Stetson with the uniform and on getting a sex change operation paid for from their military budget. Good luck! You'll be demanding for the rest of time or you'll soon be dead.

It will never happen! It will not happen in any other country in the world except right here in Canada, Land of the naive and stupid, idiotic politically correct politicians. Oh Canada!!

Speak only English at home and in public and insist that your children do likewise.
Demand classes on Canadian culture in their school system.

Demand that the country stop praying to their God as it is offensive to you, the anagnostic and the atheist. But explain that you would still like the statutory paid holiday that falls on their religious holidays. It will never happen...... you will be found dead or maybe not found at all.

Canada we love you for being the most liberal, fence-sitting nation in the world. It could only happen in Canada.....Oh, we stand on guard for thee!!!!!!

I started therapy on my elbow and shoulder last week.

After almost 3 months of putting off the therapy, I visited the doctor and started rehab on my elbow and shoulder.

I am going 3 times a week for 2 weeks and then will be re-examined by the doctor. It was really cool as I had accupuncture for the first time in my life plus they attached electrical wires to the needles and gave me electro-therpay. I couldn't even feel the needles going in, but I tell you, the needles were popping back and forwards with the electrical current..... very cool and it felt really good.

Due to no medical coverage and no time to go to the clinic, I kept putting it off when I was in Ulsan. I originally did the injury back at the beginning of December.
Actually it was one week before I went to see Liverpool in The World Club Championships in Tokyo. Needless to say I was in agony while I was in Japan, but it was well worth it to see the Reds in action, although they didn't win. They were by far the better team in the final though.

I have a few pictures of the original injury, about 2 days after I did it. I will not go into any details of how I got the injury...... quite boring and of no use to anyone.... haha.

The first picture is of the bruising, 2 days after. There were no broken bones, but I hyperextended the ulnar nerve which runs through the hand and around the elbow and up the shoulder into the back.

This one is a picture of the back of my elbow, swollen to about 3 times its normal size. I couldn't rotate the picture, so you will just have to turn your head to look at it. Sorry!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

The fast is over! It lasted 71.5 hours.

A shot of Dave and I back in 2004 on our way to Sorak mountain. Dave looks like he is desperate to either fart or have a dump..... haha!!!!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 20, 2006

The new teacher has arrived!

Here is a pic from the Dublin Bar on St. Patrick's Day, Friday night. Dave and I doing what we do best...... drinking pop!

Monday is upon us again. We have good news; the teacher has arrived at our school. He is currently observing classes, but I think he will be teaching soon....if we have anything to do with it... haha.
It will be nice for our load to be loosened and be back to having at least a break between almost 6 hours straight of teaching.
The new teacher's name is Tony. He is from Idaho. He is young and seems very excited about teaching and the whole Korean experience.

On another note, I went to the hospital on the weekend and saw the specialist. I had x-rays done and the results came back that I have ligament contusions on the bicep, shoulder and forearm muscles. In layman's terms that means that they just tightened up and need some therapy or they are **********!

I started on Saturday with some reflex therapy and some electro-therapy. My elbow feels a little better, but only time will tell. The doctor said that he will re-examine me in 3 weeks after the therapy and if things have not improved by then, he will do an electro-nerve test. Let's hope that the therapy does the trick. I went for my second one today and the elbow is sore, but it feels a little more flexible.

Liverpool won last night 3-1 against Newcastle, so the fight is still on to catch Man U in the league. I don't hold up much hope as they have 2 more points than us and 2 games in hand. They would have to mess up really bad to lose 6 points and I can't see that happening. But Liverpool can still win their last games and have a chance, I suppose. Liverpool play Birmingham on Tuesday night in the F.A. Cup quarter-finals. Only 2 days rest is a bit much to ask after just playing a game!

This is a pic of a temple downtown Chuncheon, right in the middle of shops and stores.

Kyoung Hee, Dave and I went to Chuncheon on Saturday afternoon. We met a girl that Dave is currently friends with and she was awesome. Very well mannered and a little shy of course meeting 3 new people, 2 of whom were foreigners. We met some of her English class friends at the Dakalbee place. Dakalbee is very very spicy chicken and Chuncheon is very famous for it.

Her name is Hi-Sun and she has been a nurse for over 10 years. She is very outgoing and very nice company. We went to a night club also, which I normally hate, but actually had a good time. It was a small night club and was not really packed. Kyoung Hee and I hadn't been on a day trip for a long time, so it was good for us.

We stayed at a hotel and then in the morning met Dave again downtown Chuncheon and had dakalbee again! Then we went and watched the Korea vs Japan, third game of baseball, which ended up 6-0 for Japan.... oh well. We watched it at a coffee/bar place called Cancun. It was decorated in real Azteca style and was really cheap to tell you the truth.

Mi -Sun paid for our meal the first night plus the night club; unbelievable really.
She ended up coming back with us in Dave's car to visit Bundang as she had Monday off. I guess she headed back to Chuncheon today on the bus. I hope we meet up with her again. She lives so far away though, it could be difficult.

I got back and got to watch the Liverpool game live... awesome as they won 3-1.
So I can say I had a good weekend and as I am typing this, a great Monday.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Check out the song that was #1 when you were born!

Here is a picture of me as Dooley the friendly dinosaur at Halloween. I wore this costume to school that day and let me tell you, it was damn hot and I got tired of the kids wacking me in the head.
Hey everyone,
This is a fun site to visit and find out what song was number one when you or a loved one or friend was born. It is so cool!!!! Just click on the title and it will take you right there.
I found out from my sister that when her and I were born, we both had a song by Bobby Vinton at #1.
Just a bit of fun for all of you!!!! Enjoy.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day.... Top of the mornin' to yer... and the rest of the afternoon.

I wish all of you a Happy St.Patrick's Day! I hope that you get in the festive spirit by wearing or having something green on your person today!

I couldn't find anything green, so I had to settle for a dark green pair of pants that I am wearing at school.

The history about St. Paddy's day; as it is commonly referred to in Ireland, is quite funny as it is quite religious in nature and started by what was orginally a Pagan Irishman......

Anyone that is interested in a small article about the history of the celebration, click on the title bar.

St. Patrick the angry Leprechaun wishes you all the best and please drink as much as you can.......... donations to the Leprechaun fund are more than welcome.

These two piss-tanks, Scott and Lyndsey whom I work with, are a good example of what real Irish drinkers need as mentors!!!!!!

But remember, don't drink in excess and don't drink and drive!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

March is already half finished!

Tomorrow night, Friday March 16th, is St. Patrick's day.
A few of us from Avalon have decided to go to a bar called Dublin Bar, which is actually owned by a real mcoy Irishman. Dave and I met him last weekend when we went to watch the Liverpool vs Arsenal game. He is a full blown Irishman complete with the thick dialect and all.
He told us that there would be a bit of a celebration on Friday, so we decided it would be a great opportunity to take in some Irish liquid celebration.
On another note, my girfriend started a job on Monday. She is working at a restaurant that serves traditional Korean pork and other dishes. It is a normal restaurant in the Korean style that we foreigners are all used to seeing. It is a chain restaurant, so it quite reputable. She is enjoying it, although she said they are crazy busy all the time.
One of the funny things that she said to me when she got the job was. 'well you know it is only a part-time job, but I will enjoy having Saturday and Sundays off and might find another job in the future for the weekend.'
She is working from 3pm to 1am, Monday to Friday. That is 50 hours a week.... so funny that the Koreans think that is a part-time job. You gotta love this place at times. It's a blast!!!!!!
Liverpool finally notched more than a goal last night against Fulham, beating them 5-1.
My hero, Robbie Fowler scored his first goal since his re-signing and of course it was at Anfield and of course in front of the Kop and the first of the game. Let's hope that Liverpool can keep scoring like that for the rest of the season.
On the weekend, Dave and I and Kyoung Hee are going to head to Chuncheon, which is a city that is famous for spicy bbq'd chicken. Dave and I and Rob and Clement went there back in September 2004 or around there anyway.
We should have a good time and Dave is meeting a friend of his while we are there, so we can all hang out for the day and hopefully have a great time.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Website for Korean English newspaper.

This picture is one of the pictures of the year in a competition held somewhere in the United States.
The phototgrapher saw an owl looking at him, but thought nothing of it until he turned around and a moment later the owl was flying straight for him, but he still had the guile to duck and still snap the picture.
I think you will agree with me it is awesome.
I was sent this picture by my father, who had recieved it from someone else.
Group work brings us everything we can only dream of!!!!

Click on the title and it will take you to the website for The Korea Herald, one of the newspapers that are in English on the internet.
I will also list another website below that is also useful for cross-referencing stories and to see whether the story is aspiring to tell the truth or not.

This is the website for The Korea times.
Just copy and paste it into the address bar.

I hope this is of some help to anyone that is thinking about visiting Korea or living here or just for a general feel for the country itself.

In my opinion the best soccer website!

I just wanted to post this blog to let all of you football crazy fans know that this is the best website that I have ever used for up to the minute news, interviews, reports and of course what we all love.... gossip.
It also has links to ESPN for any other sports that you are interested in.
I have been using it for about 5 years and I think anything else pales in comparison to the website.
Just click on the title and it will take you to the website.
I would appreciate any feedback on this site, just for the hell of it.
I have changed the comment section which had been on exclusive by mistake... my mistake.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Some shots of Korea!

Dave on stage with a Korean traditional band up in Seoul.... earlier last year...2005.

Bob and I having a games day at Kangnam School in Kyoungju. We both had a good time that day playing musical chairs and other interactive activities.

One of the shots of the most famous temples in Korea; Pulgoksa. It is located in Kyoungju, which is the historical capital of Korea. I spent a year at a school in Kyoungju called Kangnam, from Sept. 2004 to Sept.2005.

The rebuilt original temple of Pulgoksa... one of the oldest temples in Korea.

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Some shots of my school; Avalon at Sunae Campus

This is a picture of the CHEAP looking fountain in the lobby of the school. There are little saucers that the water drips down onto. It looks so pretty...... NOT!!!!!!

A picture of the office at Avalon where all the brainstorming goes on. We have a nickname for it or should I say, I do; The Sardine Can.
Bullshit baffles brains in this area of the school.......

Nasty is his name and nastiness is his game. He is a really nice fella, but sadly has gone to the Migum campus. He will be missed for his constant nastiness and sarcasm, a trait in Korea, which is very difficult to find.

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I have decided to go for this new look. What do you think?

This is my new look for the Spring. Let me know what you think. I like the colour of the headscarf.... it really brings out the woman in me!

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Check out Dr. Gabe Mirkin's site for anything about your health!

I have been listening to Dr.Gabe Mirkin's syndicated webshow since around 1998... I think.
There is so much useful information and the nicest things about all the articles and info that he uses are that every one is backed up by a published article from a peer reviewed source.
His motto is that he never gives information or advice on anything that has zero research proof.
He also has a dig at lazy doctors who don't keep up with the medical journals and new health findings. He always says that as a doctor part of the job is keeping up with new research findings and new ways to comfort a patient and get to the primary source of health care as quickly as possible.
I would be interested to hear any comments that you have about this website and what you think of some of the articles especially.
Dr. Mirkin helped me out immensely about 10 years agon when I found out by listening to his show that I had bacterial ulcers. After months of agony, I took his advice and went to the doctor, told him that I thought I had heliobacterial ulcers. My doctor sent me for a barium x-ray test and sure enough there they were. One week of 3 pills a day and they were gone. I even had a test afterwards to see if they had gone..... it showed that they were completely gone.
Our health is very important to us if we want to live a full, vibrant life. We have to do our best to keep up with the latest things to improve it, although not being a fanatic.
I hope this site helps any of you out and that you, like I, will become a fan of Dr. Mirkin now and in the future.
Click on the title of the blog and it will take you to the website and then just save it to your favourites; if you like it.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Spring is in the air!!!!!

This is the Avalon School
Logo in Korean

Well, Spring has finally arrived in Korea. During the day it is definitely short-sleeved weather, although at night it is somwhat nippy.
The new semester has started at our school and we are mad busy. We have 600 plus students now and are one teacher less due to one of our teachers not coming back from his holiday.
The kids are great and I am enjoying Avalon immensely. It has to be the best school that I have taught at in Korea. We have essays, quizzes everyday and even presentations and debate classes. The kids are all elementary ages too!!!
As a teacher, the challenge is awesome and it is nice to come to work everyday. I really feel fufilled as a teacher and am enjoying the kids very much. My smallest class at the moment is 14 kids..... oh well, party on!!!!!
The relationship with the kids is just like any other relationship in life. You have to work at it and gain their trust and admiration. You have to try and inspire them to learn more; my motto for the real teacher!
I am looking forward to the meal tonight with all the teachers from all of the elementary Avalon schools. It is being put on by Avalon of course. They are bussing us from school and paying for the meal. It will be fun to just see some of the other teachers and be in another environment other than the school one.
We also have a team-building retreat coming up in April.... I think that is the right date. Avalon pay for a retreat somewhere and all the food and booze... we do team-building activities and just hang around with each other to get to know one-another better. It should be fun, except I heard that they wake us up at 6am on Sunday morning to do exercises and activities. We leave on a Saturday afternoon and get back about 6pm on Sunday evening.
Some of the teachers are not too happy that their weekend is compromised, but I think it is a great idea and of course doesn't happen all the time. I think Avalon have the right vision for their schools and are doing whatever they can to promote team-spirit.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Pictures to brighten up your Monday?

I am sure that if everyone got paid on a Monday, there would be a completely different attitude than the 'Monday Blues."
Just wanted to share some cute pictures that put things into perspective.
Please remember that you can leave a comment about any of the blogs. Just click on comment and click on anonymous if you don't want to leave your name, then type something in there.

Have a great Monday, every Monday!!!!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Here is the family of yours truly.

This nice picture of mum and dad was taken while they were vacationing in Liverpool in 2004. I think it shows where I get my build from and my looks.... hehehe.

This is a picture of my sister, Jackie, taken at a Turkish restaurant in Toronto. My brother-in-law, Nuri, is Turkish of course. My sister looks as beautiful as ever and you can see the resemblance of all of us!

Here is a dead sexy one of me!

Friday, March 03, 2006

One of our teachers flew the coop!

Well the guy that was at our school that was supposed to go to China for a one week visit, has decided that he is not coming back to Korea. He sent an email to tell the head-office yesterday. That means that the rest of us have to take his classes until we get another teacher. That sucks as we have a new term starting up and we will be mad busy without this extra hiccup.
Oh well, we can manage and as they say in Korea..... Fighting!!!!! Which means by the way; keep going and try hard, but they pronounce it Whiting, which is hilarious.
The only thing about the whole thing is that the Koreans will distrust the teachers even more when things like this happen. This is a business for them and it is not so easy to replace someone that they have invested time and money in. Housing and training and of course salary, which could include air-fare and the such.
I have said before that you don't need to stay at a job that is totally unbearable, but at the other end of the spectrum, you have to realize that this is a big undertaking for a school and you should give the correct notice if you really feel that you must leave. It also benefits any other teachers at the school.
I don't want to lecture here, but I feel that respect has to go both ways and the way this guy left is not the way that it should be. Enough said.......