Chuncheon is a very famous city in Korea known for its traditional 'Dakalbee.' This is very very spicy bbq'd chicken. The downtown has a specific area where all the restaurants that sell this dish are. It is quite funny as women stand outside their specific restaurants and beckon you in. It is almost like salesmen trying to get you to buy something.
Dave, Kyoung Hee and I went there 2 weekends ago. We met a friend of Dave's, Mi-Sun, who lives in Chuncheon.
We met her and 2 of her friends and had dakalbee at one of the restaurants downtown. Here are a couple of pics and there is a good pic of the food itself taken by Dave, who has his own blog now. His blog is www.notoriousdav.blogspot.com
Check it out and learn some more things about Korea.
Dave and I are best friends and came to Korea together back on April 7th, 2000. Dave has been here the whole time, but I went back to Canada for 3 years to go to university and then came back. We were roomates and taught at the same school, Lion E School, back in 2000. We plan on celebrating our anniversary in the next 2 weeks.
Dave, on the right looking sauve in his little apron. You have to wear them so that the food doesn't splash on your clothes.
Kyoung Hee and I doing the Martha Stewart and the Iron Chef impersonations. We are stylin' biatches!!!!!!
You know it dogchild!
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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