This is the Avalon School
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Well, Spring has finally arrived in Korea. During the day it is definitely short-sleeved weather, although at night it is somwhat nippy.
The new semester has started at our school and we are mad busy. We have 600 plus students now and are one teacher less due to one of our teachers not coming back from his holiday.
The kids are great and I am enjoying Avalon immensely. It has to be the best school that I have taught at in Korea. We have essays, quizzes everyday and even presentations and debate classes. The kids are all elementary ages too!!!
As a teacher, the challenge is awesome and it is nice to come to work everyday. I really feel fufilled as a teacher and am enjoying the kids very much. My smallest class at the moment is 14 kids..... oh well, party on!!!!!
The relationship with the kids is just like any other relationship in life. You have to work at it and gain their trust and admiration. You have to try and inspire them to learn more; my motto for the real teacher!
I am looking forward to the meal tonight with all the teachers from all of the elementary Avalon schools. It is being put on by Avalon of course. They are bussing us from school and paying for the meal. It will be fun to just see some of the other teachers and be in another environment other than the school one.
We also have a team-building retreat coming up in April.... I think that is the right date. Avalon pay for a retreat somewhere and all the food and booze... we do team-building activities and just hang around with each other to get to know one-another better. It should be fun, except I heard that they wake us up at 6am on Sunday morning to do exercises and activities. We leave on a Saturday afternoon and get back about 6pm on Sunday evening.
Some of the teachers are not too happy that their weekend is compromised, but I think it is a great idea and of course doesn't happen all the time. I think Avalon have the right vision for their schools and are doing whatever they can to promote team-spirit.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
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