I have been listening to Dr.Gabe Mirkin's syndicated webshow since around 1998... I think.
There is so much useful information and the nicest things about all the articles and info that he uses are that every one is backed up by a published article from a peer reviewed source.
His motto is that he never gives information or advice on anything that has zero research proof.
He also has a dig at lazy doctors who don't keep up with the medical journals and new health findings. He always says that as a doctor part of the job is keeping up with new research findings and new ways to comfort a patient and get to the primary source of health care as quickly as possible.
I would be interested to hear any comments that you have about this website and what you think of some of the articles especially.
Dr. Mirkin helped me out immensely about 10 years agon when I found out by listening to his show that I had bacterial ulcers. After months of agony, I took his advice and went to the doctor, told him that I thought I had heliobacterial ulcers. My doctor sent me for a barium x-ray test and sure enough there they were. One week of 3 pills a day and they were gone. I even had a test afterwards to see if they had gone..... it showed that they were completely gone.
Our health is very important to us if we want to live a full, vibrant life. We have to do our best to keep up with the latest things to improve it, although not being a fanatic.
I hope this site helps any of you out and that you, like I, will become a fan of Dr. Mirkin now and in the future.
Click on the title of the blog and it will take you to the website and then just save it to your favourites; if you like it.
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
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