This weekend was taken up by the workshop-camp for Avalon, the school that I work at. I had previously mentioned this on the last post, but want to clarify that it was for the teachers and there were no students involved whatsoever. It was a camp to build team-spirit between all the Korean teachers and Foreign teachers.
It was a good time to tell you the truth. We were bussed to a place about 2 hours from Bundang. It was an all inclusive camp with a cafeteria and several activity facilities including soccer fields, obstacle courses and an inline skating pad. Each room had 4 to 5 teachers from different schools so that we could get to know each other. The foreigners were all roomed together and the Koreans were all roomed together.
There was a workshop for the Foreign teachers and the Korean teachers on the Saturday. We were of course seperated; Koreans had their own workshop and we had ours.
We did some fun activites like a spelling bee and had a few prizes to win. We talked about Avalon related perfomance reviews and also had an activity brainstorming exercise for the use in the schools themselves.
On Saturday night there was an outdoor barbecue complete with complimentary beer and soju. There was also a karoake sing-a-long on a stage, in Korean though sadly. We all had a good time and partied until about 2 or 3 am in the morning.
On Sunday there was an obstacle course, which of course I couldn't go in as my elbow is still not strong enough to grab ropes or climb on anything. I went back to my room and had a wee nap while they all sweated and pulled and groped!!!!!
All in all, it was a good time except for the fact that all the activities that we did were explained almost 100 percent in Korean! Don't understand that to tell you the truth; there were tons of Korean teachers there that could have interpreted everything. From the time we got there I think there was maybe 5 percent of English spoken and that is being generous.
The bus drive there took 2 hours, the bus drive back took about almost 4 due to the backup of traffic. We left at 2pm and got back to Bundang at almost 6pm!!!!!
I picked up a bit of an eye infection, one of my eyes is beat red! Rebecca was sick in our school today so we had to pick up her classes as she was feeling nauseous all day. She marked our essays though while we taught her classes..... cool!!!!
Tired now and going to watch Charlie Wonka and then have a nice nights sleep. Putting drops in my eye to reduce the redness. I think it was done by the smoke from the bbq's. I had my face right in some of them while cooking the meat.
you sound like that kid a little bit..'if you really want to know the truth'!
And we won the cup semi!!!!
Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
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