Well, Saturday is upon us once again. It is still really strange when I think that Korea is 14 hours ahead of Ontario, Canada. 8 hours at the present moment ahead of the UK. So really , we are finishing our day when they are just starting theirs! What a wonderful place this earth of ours is!
Today, I woke up to the sound of fresh rain outside. We need the rain to get rid of all the dust and dirt on the streets and to clean the air a little. I like looking out the window when it is raining.
I used to always walk and play football in the rain when I was just a wee lad... ask my Mum about that one! I have always liked walking in the rain and feel lighter inside after a good soaking by the essence of life!
It is funny, but in Korea, everyone that you ask does not like rain. I bet about 90 percent of my students, chidren and adults, have all answered that they don't like rain.
It is funny, but the Koreans believe that if you walk in the rain without an umbrella, you will go bald. Another one of those cultural myths, but they believe it vehemently!
Today, Kyoung Hee and I are going to Carrefour, a French dept. store that sells everything and is quite reasonable. It is one stop shopping as they say.
One thing about Korea or should I say Asia, is that you will never see more umbrellas in your life. Everyone has an umbrella.
Dear Paul.........
I like your website very much.
You are certainly enjoying your life.
Good on yer mate!!!
Robert White
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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