I am a very happy man to be able to say that my son, Tyler, after about 5 years or so, finally has gotten to see my sister, Jackie and my brother-in-law, Nuri.

My sister is on holidays at the moment and made the trip down to London, to see my Mum and Dad. Tyler met up with them and they spent the day together, Uncle and Aunt, Nanna and Grandad.

They all look great and I was even surprised at Tyler, as he has lost weight since I was there in February. My Sister said he is a nice lad and he is a lot like me, gestures and stuff......sorry about that Tyler......lol.........don't mean the nice part.....lol.

For myself, I feel like I am floating on a cloud. Seems a bit surreal at the moment and it will take a while to sink in. The fact that my son has a relationship now with my Mum and Dad and Sister; my family. It has been a long time coming and as one could say- time is a wonderful thing especially when time becomes a healer.

I am happy that my son's life complete with its ups and downs, has taken a turn for the better and that now, he can forget about any of the stuff that has bogged his early teenage years down. He knows that we all love him and that is something that no-one or anything will ever be able to take away from him. We love you, Tyler!!!!!!!!
I want Jamie and Kate now to meet him- his cousins of course. My Sister said that the kids both might go down to Mum and Dad's before they start school. Tyler has already said he would meet up with them.

So, with a bounce in my step, I am enjoying my holidays even more today. My plan is to go to the gym and then off to the Korean Museum. I will take a few pics of course and let you all in on some of the history of Korean culture.
It is pissing down rain again. The rainy season is supposed to be over by now, but it still seems to be lingering. Even the Koreans are saying that it is unusual to be this rainy in the middle of August. Let's hope that it ends sometime soon. I don't mind the rain at all, if it is in spits and spurts. Don't like it when it is a regular occurrence. That is one of the reasons that I could not see myself ever living in England again........The weather.......4 seasons in one day.
I didnt leave a comment on your blog.I have been following your blog, though for some time. Obviously you do not read my blog or you would have know about my stalker. Ex-GF who hacked my computer, read the MSN messenger files of EVERYONE I chatted with including my mother, deleted my anti-virus program and uploaded a virus. I have had death threats, have been followed, and am actually afraid of this woman. Hence, the reason I am leaving Korea. Sorry about whatever was said. Did it have something to do with me? Did she mention me? Seriously I am scared of her.
What a lovely story,It must make you feel so good...I cant get over how Tyler has grown, hes a good looking young man, you must be so proud!
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