Friday, August 17, 2007

Stretch Marks On Calves!

Being the consummate body watcher of the female species over the last few months, especially the hot weather days, I have noticed a rather glaring phenomenon.

I noticed that most of the Korean girls have stretch marks on the backs of their calves. They start from the back of the knee cap and go down to either the top of the calf or the bottom. I am talking about young girls who are in good shape too, not just overweight or older women. Women of all ages and all sizes seem to have them.

I noticed a girl today that was so skinny, but still had stretch marks on the back of her calves. I think I am on to something, to tell you the truth! I think it has a lot to do with how they sit and their overall posture. They may be as flexible as hell, but the body is not built to be that flexible all the time, hence the stretch marks.
Rob and Quinn who used to play on our football team and is from London, Ontario!

The same thing happens with a guy that weightlifts and gets big too quick, usually with the help of steroids; he gets stretch marks all over his body. The reason you don't see them on professional bodybuilders is because they are so tanned and hide them while they are under the lights performing, but up close I have seen tons of them with awful stretch marks. Again, the body can take it, but the muscles and the tendons and the ligaments have to give in some way.

Rob's birthday party was a blast. We started at Gecko's and then headed to the UN Bar and then off to a few other places. The only glitch as such was at the UN Bar, where I ended up punching some Korean fella in the side of the head. It was not my fault either!
Dave, myself and Jason. My hair is starting to grow back, but looks white in the light. It is actually a lot more blond, close up!

I was sitting talking to my friends and there was one of the bar staff sitting next to me, when all of sudden a Korean fella that was sitting one bar stool over, reached over and poked me in the side of the temple with his finger. I didn't know him from adam and the girl didn't know him either, he was just another customer in this bar.

Instinctively, I just reached around the girl and popped him in the side of the head. I had a small pinky ring on and when I hit him, he just held his head for about 5 mintues. My pinky is still hurting even now. I guess I pushed it back into my knuckle.
Richard, from Nigeria, Jason from America and Rob from Canada; the birthday boy. I met Jason on my Japan visa run and Richard is a friend of Jason's that we met through him.

He wasn't badly hurt or anything, but he got what he deserved, I think. Nothing else happened and I left the bar as I would have wanted to hit him again if he gave me the Korean look or atttitude. The bar owners were not pissed at me, as they saw everything and they told me it was okay. The guy was just a maggot, as one would say.

This happened about 1am or so and we all headed off somewhere else and had a good time. I felt a little bad afterwards, but what can you do when someone pokes you in the side of the head? I did what I did out of pure reaction, nothing else. I didn't even think about it, to be completely honest. It just happened as they say. Well, I guess he won't poke any other foreigners in the head again, if he has learnt his lesson.
Autumn and I. Rob met Autumn's friend and hit it off. I still have to work on getting that stuff under the chin, out of there.......

A few more pics of the night are included. There was quite a few of us that showed up and we ended up meeting some girls that we had met before and Rob ended up liking one of them and they hit it off right away, which I think was a great birthday present for him.

I am on a pure barren patch right now and I don't care I am happy to be stress free and am not looking for anything like that right now either.

Rob, Quinn, Dave and Richard partying it up and in good spirits at Gecko's.

The weekend is upon us again and my friend who is visiting from China, actually he just finished doing a Korean camp, will be staying with me until Tuesday, when he returns to China. He is from Australia and Rob, Dave and I met him in Ulsan over 7 years ago. I haven't seen him in 6 years and also Rob. We met him about 4 weeks ago for the first time since then. We should have a good night tomorrow night.

Tom, the Welshman is having his going away party, tomorrow, too. Sara from Manchester will be there as well as her good crowd of friends and Tom's too.

Ben should be at my house around 7 or so and then we will meet up with Tom and Sara and take it from there. Chris will be there, too and we will try and get Matt from Manchester out, too.


Anonymous said...

'stretch marks on calves'. hahahaha. Bizarre but brilliant. Im gonna go and find some koreans by the cathedral now and check...

el scousero

Anonymous said...

lmao funnily enough...i'm 15, pretty skinny and always make sure i'm having a healthy and active life style.

I have no idea why i've suddenly got stretch marks on my right calf..the other one is absolutely fine! And they're the exact same size.

baffled. Irritated as hell but more confused. Maybe it is my posture?

Anonymous said...

Stretch marks are normal. They don't only form from pregnancy, weight gain, weight loss or gaining muscle. It's to do with alot of reasons.
Growth spurts
Certain medications
Certain illnesses
Birth control pill
Lacking certain vitamins
Bad genetics
Poor elasticity/collagen

You do not have to put on weight/muscle to get stretch marks.

It's the dermis where the stretch marks form, not in the upper layer of skin or the muscle.

Underneath the epidermis (outer layer of skin) is the dermis, this is where stretch marks occur.

People as young as 12 can get stretch marks so don't think only old, or overweight people get them.

Both men and women get them

It's totally normal, it's just most people try to hide them... so people don't often get to see them. If everyone was to walk around naked, you would have a shock. Fat, skinny, tall, short, young or old we all have at least one somewhere.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine mentioned 2012 last night to me and it's the first I heard about it so I jumped on here out of curiosity. I think it's kind of sick and sounds like a bunch of skeptical jargon.
I choose to live every day like it is the last because let's be real, WHO THE HELL KNOWS what is going to happen or when it's your time to go on. The past is history, the future is a mystery and now is a gift, thats why it's called the present. It's not healthy to sit around and trip out about when you will die. Stop wasting your time you have now.
]switch to consciousness 2012
[/url] - some truth about 2012