The show of the present is "The Sopranos." I never used to watch it while I was in Canada, but now that I can watch it at my own leisure on my computer, it has become another show that I am addicted to.
I really like the times that "Tony" talks to his shrink. It is quite funny some of the things that he says and quite realistic. The language is very coarse and I am sure some people would find it unsuitable at times. I love it however!!!!!!
The characters are interesting and there are some good plots and sub-plots going on all the time. I think it is a little bit graphic at times and there are times that the violence makes you shudder. It is however somewhat descriptive of that whole "business!"
The main character, Tony Soprano, pulls no punches and just says things the way he feels about them. I am finished "Season 1" and now am almost finished "Season 2."
Some people tell me that "Season 5" is not that good and that I might be disappointed once I get that far into viewing all the episodes- I don't think so, though.
I am enjoying just watching the characters evolve and the writers have done a good job in keeping the viewers interested.
This was my last weekend in Bundang. Next Saturday morning, I leave for the airport about 9am and fly to Japan at 2pm. Then I have about a 4 hour layover in Narita, Tokyo and then fly with American Airlines to Chicago at 7.45pm.
I don't know what time the flight arrives in Chicago. I will find that all out when I get my ticket at Incheon International Airport, here in Korea.
The flight from Chicago to Toronto leaves at 5.30pm, so I should get into Toronto at about 7pm or so, hopefully.
I flew to Tokyo with American Airlines last December 2005, to see Liverpool playing in Yokohama. They were a pain in the arse for security, but with the climate towards American government at the moment, they are scared of any kind of acts of terrorism. Better to be too secure than to let someone past and it costs hundreds of lives, right!!!!
I am gonna hang low this week for the most part. Make sure that I have everything packed and ready to go as well as try not to spend too much more money while I am here.
I am having a kind of goodbye party at Dublins. Not an official one, just some friends coming to wish me a good trip. I am, of course, coming back here in late March or early April, but not to Bundang.
Most of my stuff has been either thrown out or packed away and I have been very particular on what I was going to keep or not. I don't have that much stuff. I will only be bringing a small carry-on bag and a laptop with its case.
I want to travel really light going to Canada. I will buy a suitcase when I get there and a shit -load of clothes.....lol.
I am off to watch some more "Sopranos" now. That makes about 5 hours today!!!!
1 comment:
Hiya Paul,
Nice message!...lol
A few too many drinkies? Look forward to seeing you and Dave when you get to Canada
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