Most of the teachers at my school have i-pods. That is not a problem. Wearing the headphones while they are preparing for work or sitting in the office, is! Why do they have to wear their headphones and listen to their music, ALL THE TIME!!!!!
Trying to get anyone's attention is a pain in the arse, as they can't hear you! I don't mind someone listening to music, but closed off to the rest of the office is not only rude, but also very anti-social. What do you think? Am I off my head? Am I making any sense?
The other thing this week that has been getting on my nerves is the spitting of the Koreans. It is not the spitting that bothers me, I am well used to that, it is where they spit. They spit right where they walk or where you walk or are going to walk. They don't spit into bushes or down a gutter or out of the way. They spit wherever they like. It is just so damn annoying. Don't tell me that it is part or their culture. It is just damn bad manners and I am sick of it.

Not much I can do about I know, but shit, sometimes I just want to scream at the young kids and the older guys (adeshis), "Spit over there, you dirty bastard!"
I even had a guy that was waiting for the subway, spit right in the middle of the marble floor where everyone walks. He could have spat on the tracks. When I glanced over and gave him a dirty look, he said, "Sorry!" Then I told him to spit on the tracks and called him 'dirty' in Korean. He didn't like that, but I didn't give a shit at the time. Just a lazy dirty pig!!!!!!!
Gonna just chill at home tonight and watch some of the FA Cup matches on the computer, in English! Chelsea are one of the early games and Liverpool vs Arsenal is the late game. It starts at 2.15am our time here in Korea. Dave is going to come over and watch the games. We are going to have a quiet Saturday night. The original plan was to watch it in Itaewon, but we didn't realize the start time was so late. So we scrapped that plan and decided to watch it here.
I have started watching 'Prison Break' now. I am on the 4th episode of season 1. It is not bad, completely far fetched, but who cares, it is still a good story and there are some good characters in the show. Should be caught up to season 2 by the end of next week. Going to watch one of the episodes now.
yeah, the spitting thing drives me fucking mad, too... korea can be this really wonderfully terrible place on a lot of levels... I love so much about it, and I am incredibly thankful for what I'm given in return, it definitely outweighs the bad, so many lessons for life lived thereafter... but then there are other things, that I just can't wait to put an end to, you know? like this spitting business. you're not alone.
yeah, the spitting thing drives me fucking mad, too... korea can be this really wonderfully terrible place on a lot of levels... I love so much about it, and I am incredibly thankful for what I'm given in return, it definitely outweighs the bad, so many lessons for life lived thereafter... but then there are other things, that I just can't wait to put an end to, you know? like this spitting business. you're not alone.
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