Here is what happened: As we all know, at the public baths, everyone is completely naked. So, I was doing the regular routine; sauna for 5 minutes at 90 degrees and then into the cold bath for 5 minutes at about 19 degrees. It is a good workout for the old ticker and helps you cool off so that you can go back into the sauna again and the task repeats itself again and again and again.
Well, I was in the cold bath, crouched down in a squat position with my shoulders below the water. I had my head leaned against the marble ledge and was just cooling off with my eyes shut. All of a sudden, I feel this pull on my private part, kind of a little tug, I open my eyes and there is some Korean fella standing in front of me. I jumped up, put my hand on his neck and threw him down into the water.
I wanted to completely smash his face in to tell you the truth, but instead just shook my fist at him and yelled and screamed some choice words at him. He of course, shit himself and was waving his hands like, "please don't hurt me!"

I got out of the cold bath and was still looking at him and swearing at him. Then I grabbed the little hand towel that I had with me, which was soaking wet and literally baseball pitched it at him. It hit him square in the chest and knocked him back into the water again.... still swearing at him and calling him every name in the book.
That got the attention of all the other Korean fellas and they didn't know what was going on, but were all staring at both me and him. I got out, dried off and then got changed. The funny though, was that as I was getting changed, I started to see the funny side of it, really.
I am glad that I didn't let the fella get away with anything, but seriously, whomever is reading this, must be getting a good laugh out of it, right? Well, I felt the same way. In no way or form did he give me any issues or anything, I was just shocked at what happened. I think maybe he was trying to be funny, joking around or whatever, but I am sure he will not do that to another foreigner ever again..... haha.
I told Dave and Billy and Chris about the story and of course that was it for the rest of the night. All puns related to the story. It was quite funny really and I enjoyed all the ribbing that I took for what happened. I learnt that although a situation can be a little disturbing at times, it is really all about perspective and although he grabbed my turtle's head (that is about the size of it because it had gone and hid after going into the cold, cold water), it was no big deal. I dealt with it as an adult whereas someone else might have called the cops for sexual assault. I think for me it was okay.... maybe I liked it.... NO! NO! just joking.... haha.
Anyway, the rest of the weekend was spent hanging out with Dave and some other friends, watching the Liverpool game and then hanging out at Ryan's place with Dave and Billy on Sunday night.
Rebecca is back at school now. She is the new head teacher and it is nice to have someone back that can organize things and actually wade through all the Korean bullshit that gets thrown at us, which is on a daily basis about the stupidest, smallest, non-important shite. She is a nice girl and easy to deal with. Monday and Tuesday are speaking tests, so no prepping for classes. It is like a mini-holiday.
18 days to go before I leave. Believe me, I am counting them down. Once this Friday comes, 2 weeks will fly by..... hopefully.
1 comment:
ha ha ha Paul 'George Michael' Campbell.
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