The individual mentioned about how corrupt the government was and the cheating husbands and the university professors plagiarizing everything in sight.......quite negative really, but exactly what I like people to do.
My blog is open to criticism at anytime and I really appreciate any comments left. That means at least you are reading the blog!
In reply to the comment left though, don't you think that those kinds of things mentioned happen in every country around the world? It is quite funny to think that Korea is the only country with womanizers and with corrupt politicians. America, the strongest nation in the world, doesn't have any of that does it! Laughable at the least!
Anyway, thank you to the individual that left the comment and I hope in the future, some of my readers will also feel compelled to leave some comments too. Read the instructions on the right side of the blog on how to leave a comment.

Today is a lovely sunny day and I am going to enjoy everything that it has to offer. At the moment I am listening to my students next door singing in Korean. It is choir practice and they have been praciticing for about the last 2 week or so. They sound great, by the way.
A pic of one of my classes.

I didn't say that corruption, infidelity etc. were obsolete in other countries, I was just saying that Korea is not as honest as you make out.
I believe there is more corruption and infidelity in Korea than in western countries, though in fairness you are more likely to have your lost wallet returned in Korea
hey dude , looks as if everything is going your way mate , all the best , say hello to dave, wayne
Now I understand how to leave a message it only took me ages to do , oh well. I just got back from Joe Kools having lunch with another Liverpool supporter Russell, he just got back from Arizona, told me all about his trip. I gave him your blog and he said he will check it out. Good luck with the women mate they sound young and delicious.
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