Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Today Is Hump Day.

Today, I said goodbye to my first class. It was really nice and I bought pizza for the whole class. Only costs 10 dollars for two medium size pizzas. I am doing that for another 4 classes too!!!!!!!

I was not sad at all and neither were they. I think they are well used to teachers coming and going and changing all the time. I got a present off one of the girls, Angela, which was a surprise.

The thing that is bothering me at the moment about Avalon is how fucken cheap they are. They skrimp and save in the stupidest of places, but throw away money in the most ridiculous of places. I don't want to go on and on about it as I feel that my last week should be one of calm and excitement....... so fuck the negativity..... if possible.

I am going to Dublin's tonight. It is open-microphone night and there should be a good crowd of people that I know are coming to say goodbye to me. Not a big bunch, but at least a dozen or so anyway. I invited the teachers at my school, but Avalon are taking us for a pork dinner and drinks on Friday night, so all of them will be there then.

Should be a good night tonight though. I have to wake up early in the morning to move my stuff over to Jeremy's apartment. Just a couple of suitcases, a garment back, a big gym bag, my computer tower and vacuum cleaner and a box of odds and ends. Oh, I am getting too excited now!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Itchy Feet!

Today is the second day of the 5 left at Avalon. I have really 'itchy' feet. I can't wait to leave this place and begin my new adventure, which includes a nice long, well deserved break.

I have been teaching without any kind of a real break for 2 and a half years. I am not complaining, but everyone needs a break once in a while.

My water machine got taken away today and the computer will be disconnected tomorrow. I have to bring the modem to work as they didn't come and get it today like they said they would(the cable company).
I don't mind though because the Liverpool vs West Ham game is on ESPN Asia, so I can watch it live online at 4am!!!!!!!!

I packed pretty well all of my stuff away today. Got rid of the computer desk and the three- shelf stand that the water machine was on. Sorted through some cupboards, did some of my final washing before I leave, cleaned all my dishes, vacuumed everywhere and really just got everything in order to leave.

All my outstanding bills are paid. I have organized all my stuff into 2 suitcases, a garment bag, a big sports bag and one box. I am storing all that and my computer tower at Jeremy's, across the hall.
I am only taking a small sports bag with me on the plane plus my old laptop and cd walkman.

I am getting really excited and everything is just surreal at the moment. I met my friend Caroline last night to say goodbye for the next 3 months. She has been a good friend to me and introduced me to some good people.

I went to Dublin's afterwards and Dave joined me a little later. We met George from Philadelphia who always makes me laugh and has some great stories. We met another fella called Hayden from New Zealand.

We got talking and we both share a love for "AC/DC." He plays guitar and I told him that when I come back to Korea, one of my aims is to learn to play guitar.
He said that he would teach me in return for some weighlifting advice. He has played guitar for over 15 years and knows a lot of rock and roll riffs that he said he would teach me. Cool !!!!!!!!

Dave and I also met another fella, Lenny, from Jersey. He has the full-on Jersey accent and is a really cool guy to talk to. He has been working since he was 13 years old and has some life experiences that are enjoyable to listen to.

The pic above is of "The Rocky Mountain Tavern" in Itaewon. I don't know anyone in the picture, but it is a local Canadian hangout and they show live hockey games there sometimes.
Lenny is not working here at the moment. He is visiting his friend and just hanging out. He hasn't worked for the last year. He sold his house and just decided to travel. He is enjoying it, he said. That is why he is still here.

He went back to America for a month and then decided to come back here again.
I haven't worked out since Friday night, so tonight it is getting back to the gym time. I am looking forward to it, to tell you the truth. I also want to go the public bath and have a really nice long sit in the sauna.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Going Through "A Sopranos" Phase Now........

The show of the present is "The Sopranos." I never used to watch it while I was in Canada, but now that I can watch it at my own leisure on my computer, it has become another show that I am addicted to.
I really like the times that "Tony" talks to his shrink. It is quite funny some of the things that he says and quite realistic. The language is very coarse and I am sure some people would find it unsuitable at times. I love it however!!!!!!
The characters are interesting and there are some good plots and sub-plots going on all the time. I think it is a little bit graphic at times and there are times that the violence makes you shudder. It is however somewhat descriptive of that whole "business!"
The main character, Tony Soprano, pulls no punches and just says things the way he feels about them. I am finished "Season 1" and now am almost finished "Season 2."
Some people tell me that "Season 5" is not that good and that I might be disappointed once I get that far into viewing all the episodes- I don't think so, though.
I am enjoying just watching the characters evolve and the writers have done a good job in keeping the viewers interested.
This was my last weekend in Bundang. Next Saturday morning, I leave for the airport about 9am and fly to Japan at 2pm. Then I have about a 4 hour layover in Narita, Tokyo and then fly with American Airlines to Chicago at 7.45pm.
I don't know what time the flight arrives in Chicago. I will find that all out when I get my ticket at Incheon International Airport, here in Korea.
The flight from Chicago to Toronto leaves at 5.30pm, so I should get into Toronto at about 7pm or so, hopefully.
I flew to Tokyo with American Airlines last December 2005, to see Liverpool playing in Yokohama. They were a pain in the arse for security, but with the climate towards American government at the moment, they are scared of any kind of acts of terrorism. Better to be too secure than to let someone past and it costs hundreds of lives, right!!!!
I am gonna hang low this week for the most part. Make sure that I have everything packed and ready to go as well as try not to spend too much more money while I am here.
I am having a kind of goodbye party at Dublins. Not an official one, just some friends coming to wish me a good trip. I am, of course, coming back here in late March or early April, but not to Bundang.
Most of my stuff has been either thrown out or packed away and I have been very particular on what I was going to keep or not. I don't have that much stuff. I will only be bringing a small carry-on bag and a laptop with its case.
I want to travel really light going to Canada. I will buy a suitcase when I get there and a shit -load of
I am off to watch some more "Sopranos" now. That makes about 5 hours today!!!!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Food For Thought And Time To Wonder.

There are 6 more working days until I am finished at Avalon. 8 days until I fly back on my long awaited vacation to see my family. It has been 2 and a half years since I saw any of them...... Wow! I can't believe it has been that long!

The one thing about leaving this time is that I am not rushing to get away from anything or to get somewhere. I have no personal issues and have some money in my pocket. I am quite content with my life and I must say, I am very comfortable in my own skin at the present time.

My life story since early 2000 has involved a lot of rushing and leaving quickly and not saying the proper goodbyes. Sold my house in Canada, sold all my stuff, took the TESOL course and then rushed to get to Korea.

This time, I will be able to say goodbye to my students and co-workers and not have to rush or worry about getting to somewhere or back from somewhere at a certain time. The world is my oyster!!!!!!!!!!

Since I left Korea for the first time in July 2001, my life has been rush, rush, rush. I had to get a job in Canada, go to university, go through all the personal issues. I ended up being in Uzbekistan for 3 months, was engaged to a Russian girl, left there broken hearted, but things have a way of turning out for the best.

I came back to all the bullshit of child support issues and back-pay and going to court and on and on and on. Quite boring actually and not worth getting into details about.

I started university in September 2002 and graduated from The University of Toronto in September 2004, 2 years of all around school with no stops plus a 5 week bursary spent in Quebec City. Graduating at age40; one of my proudest accomplishments.

Then I rushed out of Canada to get a job in Kyoungju, Korea without even knowing my final marks. I didn't even have my degree yet! I had to wait until November 2004 to finally get it. My Mum and Dad haven't even seen it. I will fix that problem in about a week or so; I will have it with me when I vacation in Canada and they shall both see it.

Then 3 trips to Japan because of my director's screw-ups, 2 more times again in the next 6 months.(one to get a visa upon arriving in Ulsan, then Tokyo in December to see Liverpool and then one more time to get another visa once I came to Avalon.)

I rushed out of Kyoungju, rushed to Ulsan, rushed out of Ulsan, rushed to Bundang. This time, I am taking my time and everything is going great. No dates, no schedule. Only the time that my flight takes off. Everything else is up to me...... awesome!!!!!!

Number one priority when I arrive in Canada is to buy clothes. My fashion designers will be Irene Campbell and Jackie Yigitoz plus some supplemental help from James Campbell and maybe Nuri, Kate and Jamie Yigitoz. Can't wait to look like a normal fashionable man instead of a cheap bum..... well not that bad, but not far off.

Life has certainly turned around for the best over the last couple of years. I lived with a Korean girl and realized that I am not ready for any of that sort of commitment and don't think I will be for a very, very longtime. Saying that, it taught me a valuable lesson and I can now confidently say that there is nothing I need from a woman to make my life complete. If I meet someone in the near future, it will only enhance my life, not be my life as it was so many many times years before.

The time has gone by this week. I can't believe that it is Friday tomorrow, already. It should be a fun weekend. I have some final classes to teach and to try and set-up for when I come back, but for now this weekend will be saying goodbye to some of my students and I will see them again in late March or April.

Things are quite subdue in my school at the moment and like I said before, things are just not the same with Wayne gone and Erin. There is a different atmosphere and I am quite glad that I am moving on to a new adventure. The guys are fine, don't get me wrong, but I think it is a combination of wanting a new challenge and not having had a break from teaching in 2 and a half years.

I am off to meet Dave now for a few drinks and to meet at our favourite place; Okinawa. It has a Japanese theme, but is totally Korean. The girls all wear red Chinese kind of tops and long sharong skirts. They are all really cute and the other reason we go there is also because the manager is a really nice chap. He always greets us when we come in there and gives us extra food and soju and the like. He is always so friendly to us and Dave and I like going there because we have a good gab usually.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Billy Idol - Mony Mony (Live 1981)

Check out his eye-liner. Still a great style forerunner at the time though. Haha.... this is so cool.... remake..... remake.... remake.....
Can you do that with your lips?

Pat Benatar Classic..... Look At That Style

Wow!!! Love Youtube for these old videos. Never remember seeing this one.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

To Every Soldier In The World. Thank You!

I just got finished watching the HBO special, "Band Of Brothers." I must say it was very tastefully done and really brought home the pain and suffering that soldiers went through with the whole ordeal of war.

Each episode was directed by a different director, which made each episode take on a little different slant. It was so well done and the collaberation between Tom Hanks and Steven Speilsberg was great. There were many others involved in the whole re-creation of the actual events and story.

It was also very nice before each episode to hear the real soldiers talking about what happened. I started watching the program about 2 weeks ago and I must say that it has brought all kinds of feeling out in me over that short period of time.

I cannot begin to imagine what those men went through and it made me think of both of my grandfathers who were both in the Second World War. They must have gone through the same hell as what every soldier was depicted like in this historically correct program.

I know my grandad McCarthy was a Royal Marine, but don't know too much about where he went or what he did during the war. I just remember my Mum telling me that men never talked about it.

My grandad McCarthy would just leave the room if anyone mentioned anything about the war. I would like to know more of where he went and what part he had in the war, but it is extremely difficult as records were not kept as good as they are today.

My grandad Campbell worked on a Scuttle Ship picking up dead bodies out of the ocean. It must have been horrendous to see and be in the middle of everyday. But the bodies needed to be returned to their rightful homes and given a proper military burial.

Again, empathy is one thing, but to live through that must have been unbelievable. My grandad Campbell was caught by some shrapnel and it blew a small piece of his skull off. He had to learn to walk and talk again and spent some time in convalescence. Again, I don't know a lot about it and the same thing happened as always; men just did not want to talk about it. Too much pain and too many friends lost to be able to handle the stress of it all.

Watching "Band Of Brothers" really made me feel so thankful for all those soldiers that died for all of us. As the soldiers that lived through the war said, "We are not the real heroes. The real heroes are the ones that never made it home and never had a chance to have a family and to create a life!"

Sure brought a lump to my throat watching the program and made me realize that most people, me included, have no idea what soldiers go through during a war. It makes you think the same thing for the soldiers all over the world right now that are going through the same things as the soldiers of the past. War is war and nobody really wins, but a soldier has a job to do and each and every soldier out there, believes that they are doing the right thing for their country and for the world.

Let us not judge any of the soldiers that are involved in any of the conflicts around the world. They are doing what they believe in and most of them have no choice seeing what is around them and going through what they do everyday.

My thoughts and my hope goes out to every soldier involved in any conflict around the world. May he or she live to see a better future and to create a life for themselves. God bless all of you, no matter what god you believe in or even if you don't believe in a god.

Thank you to each and everyone one of you, past and present, for allowing me the life that I have today. I cannot put into words how much gratitude I have for each and everyone of you.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Good Luck Gareth!!!!!!

The whole weekend was built around visiting Gareth in Ulsan and saying our goodbyes to him. He has been a friend for over 2 years and I must say that I am going to miss him.

Although he lived 4 hours from Bundang and I didn't see him very often since I moved up here, he has still been a great friend and he has been up here to visit and I have been down there to see him too.

Dave and I left from Bundang at about 6pm, Saturday night. Dave was good enough to drive down there and as he calls his car, "Ole Faithfull," it never let us down one iota on the way there or back. It was nice to drive down there instead of taking the bus. The only small glich was that Dave's stereo doesn't work, so it was up to us to keep the conversation going.

I was doing the passenger's duty on the way back especially; that is keeping the driver occupied so that he didn't feel so tired. I felt pretty tired, so I am sure Dave felt just as bad. I talked a lot even by my own standards!!!!!

Dave and I discussed that whole issue of when you drive with someone in the passenger's seat and they fall asleep on you. Most people that do that, have never drove before or are really selfish. Riding shotgun has its responsibilities that go along with it. Remember that next time you sit there on a long trip and live up to them!!!!!

The drive down there was good. We made good time and we arrived in Ulsan a little after 10pm. We headed right to 'Benchwarmers' and the good news once we got there, was that Liverpool were up 2-0 against Chelsea. That ended up being the final score and I must say I was chuffed. Liverpool hadn't beaten Chelsea in over 3 years in the league, so this was a long time coming and puts us only 4 points behind them now.

Once inside Benchwarmers, there was a small crowd and Hope had also made the trip down there as well as Darren Hogan and later John Buckley as well as Matt Wurderman. It was only a small gathering, but a nice one at that. The drinks were a lot cheaper than usual as Troy decided to discount them for Gareth's special night.

Gareth was already on his way to being bevied by the time we arrived, but the nice thing about it was that he had no clue that Dave and I were coming down there to say goodbye. I had told him earlier in the week that I had a full schedule on the weekends and couldn't possibly come down from Seoul before I left to go on my vacation.

It was priceless; I walked around the corner of the bar and there was Gareth chatting away to a couple of fellas, sat at the table. I yelled something I can' t remember to get his attention. Well, the look on his face was priceless. He was gobsmacked. He didn't know what to say.

Finally, he just said, "No, no way, you bastard, you wanker.... what the fuck!!!!!" Then he came up to me and gave me a big hug and actually started to tear up. Then he hugged me again and again and again. He just kept shaking his head everytime he looked at me and then would hug me again.

A priceless moment that I am sure both he and I will remember for a long long time. It was worth the trip just for that moment. Then Dave came around the corner and the same all over again; hug, cursing, hug, cursing. Again, priceless.

We sat down to watch the rest of the Liverpool match and then we had a few drinks and a bit of a talk and some good stories amongst the fellas. I hadn't seen Darren in over a year or so and he actually lives in Seoul. Dave and I said that next weekend, we will meet up with him and watch some football at Hollywood's in Itaewon.

The night ended in the early hours of the morning and I eventually ended up meeting up with my ex-girlfriend. I hadn't seen her in over 6 months. It was nice to see her and we caught up on each other's lives. I was genuinely happy to see her, but I know there is nothing there anymore. She is just a good friend that I used to have feelings for.

It was a really cool feeling to just hang out with her and have none of that couple stress that we had before.

It was good for her and good for me. I don't know if I will ever be down in Ulsan again. It won't be for a very, very, very long time. Tony, my friend, is going back to Canada. Rob isn't there anymore. Gareth will be gone, so there is really nothing to go there for except maybe to visit Troy and Jeff or Dan Gauthier sometime in the future.

Sunday afternoon, I went for some lunch with Kyoung Hee and then off I went to the Taehwa pitch to have the testimonial kick-around for Gareth. I met Dave and John Buckley there and then Darren showed up and eventually there were about 17 fellas that came.

Most of them were the new boys on the team and I didn't know hardly any of them, but we had a good kick-around and we did okay for a bunch of hung-over has-beens...... haha.

After the game, I felt so stiff. It has been a full year and a bit since I put on a pair of boots and had a kick-around. Well, maybe one time in the summer in Bundang. My toes are sore today and so are my thighs. It was a good time though and Dave and I left after the match.

We headed to Bundang at about 5pm. We got to Bundang, after about 3 stops, at 10pm. We were both starved and stiff and we needed the few breaks on the way. Once again, the car was great and we both appreciated leaving earlier than we expected.

A few of the boys went for some curry downtown, but we wanted to get going and Gareth was okay with us leaving.

We said our goodbyes and we all promised that we would cross paths again sometime and somewhere in the future.

I got home and literally just crashed into bed. I checked the other results from Saturday and watched parts of the Everton game between napping. I had a fairly good night's sleep by my standards, but I was so nackered that I woke up in the morning not knowing where the hell I

So, another eventful weekend with a few details left-out otherwise I would be writing a bloody novel. 9 more working days to go and 11 more days to go until I am finished at Avalon. It is getting closer and I am organizing all my stuff. Not leaving anything to the last minute. I plan on leaving Korea for my vacation with just a little carry on bag and my laptop.

I am going to give my laptop to my nephew, Jamie. It still works as a computer and it will print and play music and play dvd's. It just can't be hooked up to the internet as it has some problem with its inner guts. Jamie can use it for his essays at home and can do what he wants on it in the comfort of his own room. If he doesn't want it, then he can chuck it, but I think it would be of use to him as just a writing tool and a video/audio tool.

I am not taking any clothes to Canada with me. Just what I will have on and the next day that I arrive in Toronto, I will be going shopping for everything, including good underwear, which there is a huge lack of in this country.

So I think I should have no check-in bags at all...... cool. I will buy a big suitcase in Canada and travel back with that.

Below is a picture that I got off of Kyle's site. It is of one of his students, but I wanted to show the mask that all the Koreans wear here. You see them everywhere, young and old and I always say, "Look, another doctor!"

They really do look ridiculous and I have no idea why they wear them, especially after they already have a cold. Anyone got any ideas???????????

Friday, January 19, 2007

Remember To Take This With A Little Tongue In Cheek!!!!

The New Canadian Rant :

My name is Norm and I AM CANADIAN. I am a minority in Vancouver, Toronto and in every casino in this country.

I was born in 1958, yet I am responsible for some "FIRST NATIONS PEOPLE BEING SCREWED OUT OF THEIR LAND" in the 1700's.

I pay import tax on cars made in Canada. I am allowed to skydive and smoke, but not allowed to drive without a seat belt.

All the money I make until mid July must go to paying taxes. I live and work among people who believe Americans are ignorant yet these same people cannot name this country's new territory.
Although I am sometimes forced to live on Kraft dinner and don't have a pot to piss in, I sleep well knowing that my taxes helped purchase a nice home for some unskilled refugee.

Although they are unpatriotic and constantly try to separate, Quebec Still provides my nation's Prime Ministers. 95% of my nation's international conflicts are over fish. I'm supposed to call black people African Canadians, although I'm sure most of them have never been to Africa, or east of Halifax for that matter.

I believe that paying a 200% tax on alcohol and cigarettes is fair. I believe that the same tax on gasoline is also fair. Even if I have no idea what happened to that old rifle my grandfather gave me when I was 14, I will be considered a criminal if I don't register it.

I believe spending $15 billion to promote the French language in the rest of Canada is fair when the province of Quebec doesn't support or recognize the English language.

I believe that paying $30 million for 3 Stripes ("The Voice of Fire painting in Ottawa) by the National Art Gallery was a good purchase, Even though 99% of this country didn't want it or will ever see it.

When I look at my pay stub and realize that I take home a third of what I actually make, I say "Oh well, at least we have good health care, roads, educational system and law enforcement because of it."

I must bail out farmers when their crops are too wet or too dry because I control the rain. My national anthem has versions in both official languages and I don't know either of them.

Canada is the highest taxed nation in North America, the biggest Military buffer for the United States, and the number one destination for fleeing terrorists.

I am not an angry white male. I am an angry taxpayer who is fucking broke. My name is Norm, and I am Canadian.

I Wish You," Enough."

These words, I have been aware of for a long time and do my best to live up to what they say and mean. It is only a short verse, but so powerful and emotionally charged. I wish you all, "ENOUGH."

May you have:

Enough happiness to make you sweet,

Enough trials to make you strong,

Enough sorrow to make you human,

Enough hope to make you happy.


Thursday, January 18, 2007

Comments On Beckham!

Some people, especially the pro MLS followers, are saying that they think Beckham's subsuquent arrival in America, will change the game and take it to never before seen levels of popularity. I read an article on ESPN though that included a survey of all the states, asking people if they would be more interested in following the league due to Beckham being in it.

Most of them categorically stated "NO!" Even in the few states where Beckham picked up more votes than others, the percentage of people that stated they would go to more games or be more interested, was very slightly lower in favour of uninterested followers.

I think for Beckham himself, it is a great decision. Who would turn down that kind of money? Especially at the stage in his life that he is at. He is still a great player, but the kind of player that is not interested in 'getting hurt' anymore. He showed that in the World Cup. He was not willing to get stuck into anyone and actually shyed out of certain tackles. Of course, he is still the best dead ball striker of the ball in the world as well as one of the best passers. If he is on a team that doesn't rely on work-ethic, which is exactly what LA Galaxy are looking for, he will do just fine.

He is considered the 'pretty boy' of football and he might as well take advantage of it and get into the 'superficial' world known as North America. It will suit his wife who would eat herself if she was chocolate, just fine. He will make a ton of money and maybe bring a few more fans to the game of football in America.

He is however, fighting against some big guns there in America. Namely, basketball, american football and of course, the big one; baseball. The LA Galaxy team knows that they can procure a change in some areas of the game, none the least important as promotions and advertising. He will have his face stuck on every board and poster across the states, promoting the game that they just hope to tap into with at least a few more percent of followers.

Even with a few more percent of followers that will translate into huge money. The base after all is 300 million plus!!!!

Will Beckham take the game to the next level in America? I tend to not think so, but any gain in a country that has the money and resources like America, is not such a bad thing for the 'global' game of football.

Good luck to you, Mr. Beckham, but I am not holding my breath to see you become a superstar in that league. I tend to think that even some of the so-so players there will be able to out-run you and out-try you.
Beckham has lost the passion for the game that he once had. The new England manager recognized it and the manager and the powers-that-be at Real Madrid, realized the same thing too.

I am a football purist and while I don't care if he makes it in America or not.... he certainly doesn't need the money.... I hope that more Americans follow the sport as that can only translate into more 'global ' investment of the beautiful game of football.

I think that after his football days, Mr. Beckham has his sights firmly set on being a "Hollywood Star" and hanging out with the riders and rollers in that industry. Good luck to you, once again.

My final statement is this: He is an ex-Manchester United player and for that reason, I will always dislike him...... haha. I don't mean that literally or do I? I think I do!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Don't Blame The Americans For This Act Of Senseless Violence!

Whether you agree with the Americans being in Iraq or not, this act of violence transcends even justified 'suicide bombings,' if there is ever a justification for it.

Why would these animals target young, innocent female university students? There is a militant mastermind somewhere in Iraq that is organizing these inhumane acts of terrorism.

I rarely use 'that' word as I hate the context it is used in. In this case, it is 100 percent an act of terrorism. No other way to describe it. Animals commited this act and we should treat them as such.

Read this article and grieve like I did for the 70 people that lost their lives; almost all young, female students who had the rest of their lives ahead of them and now have had it taken from them.

My deepest sympathies go out to each and every family that has lost a loved one, present and past in Iraq by one of these senseless acts of violence. May their souls rest in peace.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

"Lost" " Prison Break" "Little Britain" "Rome" And Now "Band Of Brothers."

My computer viewing of tv shows is continuing in earnest at the present moment. I have been 'hooked' by some of these shows, that is for sure.

The first show "Lost" really hooked me in, but left me wanting more English dramas, so the next suitable choice was "Prison Break." The nice thing about watching these online is that there are no commercials and you can pause each episode whenever you feel like going to the toilet or you have something else that gets in the way.

I usually like to ask the other teachers what they are watching or what is 'hot' at the moment. Everyone that I asked about "Band Of Brothers," said that it was awesome, so I started watching that last night. I must say, it is damn good and very historically informative.

I like the beginning of each episode when they actually have the American soldiers who were there at the time, talking about what they felt and how things were for them. There are some moving moments at times for some of them when they talk about it!

The only problem that I have run into while watching these programs on the pc, is that some of the links are dead and you end up missing pieces of one episode or missing some episodes completely. That happened to me with "Prison Break" and some of the "Little Britain" episodes.

I did manage to find other sites though that had the links that I was missing. I am not complaining by any stretch of the imagination. I am quite enjoying all the programs that are available on the pc.

I don't turn on the tele anymore. I think in the last 2 months, I have had the tele on twice or three times and that was only to watch the football that I couldn't get on the pc.

The Internet really is amazing and the catch phrase that I heard many years ago, "The Information Highway," is probably the best way to describe it in overall mass and volume of things available.

I don't think even the first pioneers that introduced it, could ever have imagined how it has turned out. It has become such an intrinsic part of people's lives now that they would be lost without it. I love it anyway!!!!!!

LB - Season 1 Episode 1 (Part 1 of 3)

This show is awesome.... same skits and characters every episode.... Listen to the narrator too and the nonesense he says... so funny.

"Little Britain".... Absolutely Barmy Humour But Brilliant

This is a series shot on BBC... I am pretty sure the one fella is from Liverpool.... Matt Lucas I think... The other fella I am not sure about.
It is great crack and they have the same characters on the skits every episode. Enjoy this one!
The fella in the wheelchair says the same thing all the time, "Yeh, I know... That one...." He can walk too by the way....haha.

A Full Episode Of "Little Britain." A Must Watch!

Monday, January 15, 2007

3 Weeks Of Just Cruisin'............................."Job Appreciation Month!"

Well, great news today! Rebecca just came back from Canada. She is the head teacher at the Sunae campus. She is taking my first class on Friday and also today she said that she was taking one of my regular classes, which ended up being my Mon, Wed and Friday class. That means that now on Friday, I only have one class, which also means that I don't have to be at the school on Fridays until 6.10pm and finish at 8.05pm and also have half the preparation work that I had before!!!!!!!

That also means that I can leave every Mon, Wed and Friday now at 8.05pm.... sweet!!!!!! The main reason is that I had more classes than the other teachers and also Rebecca needs a few classes as her schedule is very light. Also, Joe, a new teacher, came to our campus, so right now we have more teachers than classes. That will all change once Jason and I leave the same day, which is February 2nd. They will have to absorb our classes and then they will all have a full schedule again.

But, needless to say, I am going to enjoy the next 3 weeks, with 3 days a week working from 3pm to 8.05 and then Fridays just working 1 hour and 15mins. That is good in my books and a longtime coming. I am going to call it "Appreciation January."

Need A Tug There Mate?

The highlight of the weekend was at the public bath. I say that with a grin now, but at the time, I was pissed of royally and I am proud of the fact that I didn't inflict any damage upon the Korean man involved. Only a hand on his neck to push him over in the cold bath; the rest was just a plethra of obscenities directed towards him in both Korean and English.

Here is what happened: As we all know, at the public baths, everyone is completely naked. So, I was doing the regular routine; sauna for 5 minutes at 90 degrees and then into the cold bath for 5 minutes at about 19 degrees. It is a good workout for the old ticker and helps you cool off so that you can go back into the sauna again and the task repeats itself again and again and again.

Well, I was in the cold bath, crouched down in a squat position with my shoulders below the water. I had my head leaned against the marble ledge and was just cooling off with my eyes shut. All of a sudden, I feel this pull on my private part, kind of a little tug, I open my eyes and there is some Korean fella standing in front of me. I jumped up, put my hand on his neck and threw him down into the water.

I wanted to completely smash his face in to tell you the truth, but instead just shook my fist at him and yelled and screamed some choice words at him. He of course, shit himself and was waving his hands like, "please don't hurt me!"

I got out of the cold bath and was still looking at him and swearing at him. Then I grabbed the little hand towel that I had with me, which was soaking wet and literally baseball pitched it at him. It hit him square in the chest and knocked him back into the water again.... still swearing at him and calling him every name in the book.

That got the attention of all the other Korean fellas and they didn't know what was going on, but were all staring at both me and him. I got out, dried off and then got changed. The funny though, was that as I was getting changed, I started to see the funny side of it, really.

I am glad that I didn't let the fella get away with anything, but seriously, whomever is reading this, must be getting a good laugh out of it, right? Well, I felt the same way. In no way or form did he give me any issues or anything, I was just shocked at what happened. I think maybe he was trying to be funny, joking around or whatever, but I am sure he will not do that to another foreigner ever again..... haha.

I told Dave and Billy and Chris about the story and of course that was it for the rest of the night. All puns related to the story. It was quite funny really and I enjoyed all the ribbing that I took for what happened. I learnt that although a situation can be a little disturbing at times, it is really all about perspective and although he grabbed my turtle's head (that is about the size of it because it had gone and hid after going into the cold, cold water), it was no big deal. I dealt with it as an adult whereas someone else might have called the cops for sexual assault. I think for me it was okay.... maybe I liked it.... NO! NO! just joking.... haha.

Anyway, the rest of the weekend was spent hanging out with Dave and some other friends, watching the Liverpool game and then hanging out at Ryan's place with Dave and Billy on Sunday night.

Rebecca is back at school now. She is the new head teacher and it is nice to have someone back that can organize things and actually wade through all the Korean bullshit that gets thrown at us, which is on a daily basis about the stupidest, smallest, non-important shite. She is a nice girl and easy to deal with. Monday and Tuesday are speaking tests, so no prepping for classes. It is like a mini-holiday.

18 days to go before I leave. Believe me, I am counting them down. Once this Friday comes, 2 weeks will fly by..... hopefully.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

43 Today, He's 43 Today, Hi-Ho-The Dairy-O, He's 43 Today!

Yes, that is right. I am 43 today and for the first time in a long long time, I am happy to have my birthday. It is true that you can 'teach and old dog new tricks!'

The plan for tonight has been orchestrated by a girl called Sara. She hails from Manchester and I met her and another girl, Sharon, at Dublin's about 1 month ago. Sharon is white and speaks with a Trinidad accent, as she was born there. They are both nice girls and I have a good time hanging out with them.

They have nicknamed me, "Sir-Talk-A-Lot." I wonder why?.......... haha.

Anyway, Sarah has a roomate, Catroina who is Irish and they have a massive apartment in Bundang. I went there on Christmas Eve with Dave and Aaron and there were other people there as well. Another fella, Tom who is from Wales, is going to be there tonight too.

Tom runs the 'open mic' night on Wednesdays at Dublin's. He plays guitar and is quite good. Anyone that plays can just go up on stage and play whatever they want. Tom is a good bloke and is dead down to earth, just like Sara and Sharon and Catroina.

I have bought a bottle of vodka and two bottles of orange juice for the festivities. Sara, once she knew that it was my birthday, asked me to come around and have a few drinks. She unfortunatley broke her arm last weekend on a skiing trip. She didn't even make it out of the chalet, she broke it dancing inside the place!!!!

She can't really get out and about, so this was a perfect way to drop around and have a few drinks. I am looking forward to it and it will be nice to hangout with some nice people on my birthday.

Dave will show up about 10.30 or so, but I am going there right after school, at 9.20pm. Should be a good night had by all. I am sure we will have some good laughs and listen to some good music.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Live, Love And Inspire! 43 Years Of Wisdom Comin' Right At Yer!

Well, it sure has been a memorable 43 years. I think that I have done a lot in my years on this earth.... I still have 2 days before I close the chapter on my 42nd year! I still have so much to do on this earth before I die........ambitions keep you young forever!!!!!

It seems that people that you talk to all the time have this regret and that regret. It was that way for me for a very long time, but I am happy to say that I don't regret a single thing in my life anymore.

My parents have been a source of great help over the years and have tried to embed into me the 'no brainer' point of regretting anything. To regret something is to regret that you lived, at least that is what I think. Sure, you can admit that you made mistakes and wrong choices, but try not to ever regret what happened in your life. That happened because it made this happen- and on and on and on.

As I approach my 43rd year, I must say that this is the most comfort I have felt in a long long time within my inner-self. I don't need a woman anymore, the way that I thought I did. I don't need to be always second guessing myself about everything. As Dad always told me, "You have to learn to be comfortable in your own skin!"

That sure is awesome advice, but so difficult for people to put into action. Well, I have done it and I am going to approach the rest of my life with the same healthy attitude that I have now. Live, love, inspire and be the person that you have always aspired to be.

I know that I have a big heart and I will protect my family and friends in all areas of my life. I will wear my heart on my sleeve and give my time to whomever, whenever I can. My motto is simple. "Live every day like it is your last!" Don't take that literally, but try to live that way so that you smell those wonderful smells, feel that wonderful air and enjoy this wonderful life.

Life has its ups and downs and to use a line from an Amanda Marshall song, "Everybody's got a story that'll break your heart." Carry on living and carry on trying to spread love and friendship to whomever you meet. Don't let the last jerk or bad tempered person, stop you from holding out that hand of friendship to the next person. Don't play with people's feelings, but don't let them play with yours.

These are all old sayings that ring so true as you get older. I think there is so much truth in them because these sayings rooted from real people's lives. I don't want to lecture here, but want you all to know that happiness is a choice. It doesn't just happen!!!!

I will be thinking of all my family and friends on Thursday, January 11th. 2007, as I am in South Korea doing what I love to do the most; teach! I have made friends all over the world now and I intend to keep making more and to keep in touch with every single one of them as much as I possibly can. Give your time, again and again and again and again and again.

Clips Of The Korean Team During The World Cup

Check out the crowd's reaction... I remember watching the end of this game against France... awesome.... Koreans are mad about their team and not so mad about the 'game' Once they got knocked out of the competition, places were dead and not really interested in any of the games.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Laryngitis Comes Back Again!!!

Just when you think that things are back to normal.... bham bham...... That is what happened this morning when I woke up.

I got up for my morning class at 11am and felt like a total bag of shite. My throat was sore and I had a really bad headache..... I guess drinking last night had a little to do with the headache. Anyway, I was shaking and when I went to school had the chills. I had to wear my coat while I was teaching the class because I felt so cold.

I got through the class and then decided that I needed to go see the doctor and take the day off. I went to the doctor and after his checkup, he told me I had laryngitis again and also chronic sinutisis. His exact words in his 'Konglish,' were, "You are abusing your voice due to your lectures!"

I guess what he meant was that because of my classes, I am always using my vocal chords or in other words my larynx. So he prescribed 5 days medecine and some syrup from the pharmacy. That kinds of sucks though as I can't drink now, even on my birthday, which is on Thursday. Oh well, gotta do what you gotta do. I want to make sure that I am healthy when I go back to Canada and I am on my vacation. So 5 days will be well worth it.

I don't know if I ever mentioned this before, but guys will carry their girls purses when they are walking with them. I thought before it was so that the girls could hold their hand or if the girl had something else in their hand. Well, it is rife everywhere and it is totally not cool. Some guy carrying his girlfriend's purse and there she is just strolling along with nothing in her hands. Hey, I am all for chivalry, but that is taking it too far..... come on!!!!!!

I will be back to work tomorrow, no worries about that. I feel okay, but today I was just so tired and I think the 'whatever' I had, was not helping it. I am taking my medication already and the throat has already settled down a little. I have a bit more energy too.

I went to the gym, but didn't run. I just did some chest, back and arms. It was a fairly good workout and I think it did me some good. Not much else going on here, just waiting to see when my flight is booked; the date and not-what.

Korean girls are so god.... every second, they are either looking in the mirror or on their phones taking pictures of themselves. If they were chocolate, they would eat themselves..... so annoying at times. The thing about them is that they dress really sexy and hot, but have no sexuality about them at all!!!! Seriously, they don't ooze sexiness. If anything, they ooze dorkism.... they way they walk and the way they act like big babies when they talk. Just wanted to get that off my chest.

Overall, the Korean girls are great, but they do get on your nerves sometimes. Tons of make-up too.... loads of foundation.... need a chisel to scrape it off most of them..... haha. I am just ranting now, but in fun of course.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Headphones In Work And Spitting Everywhere!

Most of the teachers at my school have i-pods. That is not a problem. Wearing the headphones while they are preparing for work or sitting in the office, is! Why do they have to wear their headphones and listen to their music, ALL THE TIME!!!!!

Trying to get anyone's attention is a pain in the arse, as they can't hear you! I don't mind someone listening to music, but closed off to the rest of the office is not only rude, but also very anti-social. What do you think? Am I off my head? Am I making any sense?

The other thing this week that has been getting on my nerves is the spitting of the Koreans. It is not the spitting that bothers me, I am well used to that, it is where they spit. They spit right where they walk or where you walk or are going to walk. They don't spit into bushes or down a gutter or out of the way. They spit wherever they like. It is just so damn annoying. Don't tell me that it is part or their culture. It is just damn bad manners and I am sick of it.

Not much I can do about I know, but shit, sometimes I just want to scream at the young kids and the older guys (adeshis), "Spit over there, you dirty bastard!"

I even had a guy that was waiting for the subway, spit right in the middle of the marble floor where everyone walks. He could have spat on the tracks. When I glanced over and gave him a dirty look, he said, "Sorry!" Then I told him to spit on the tracks and called him 'dirty' in Korean. He didn't like that, but I didn't give a shit at the time. Just a lazy dirty pig!!!!!!!

Gonna just chill at home tonight and watch some of the FA Cup matches on the computer, in English! Chelsea are one of the early games and Liverpool vs Arsenal is the late game. It starts at 2.15am our time here in Korea. Dave is going to come over and watch the games. We are going to have a quiet Saturday night. The original plan was to watch it in Itaewon, but we didn't realize the start time was so late. So we scrapped that plan and decided to watch it here.

I have started watching 'Prison Break' now. I am on the 4th episode of season 1. It is not bad, completely far fetched, but who cares, it is still a good story and there are some good characters in the show. Should be caught up to season 2 by the end of next week. Going to watch one of the episodes now.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

My Favourite "Trailerpark Boys" Episode Of All Time. It May Be A Little Offensive To Some. Sit Back And Enjoy It.

More Good News!!!!!

I don't know why, but for some reason the date of February 5th was stuck in my brain as being my starting date last year at Avalon. Well, as usual, I was wrong. It was in fact February 2nd, which is music to my ears, as that means that I don't have to go in on the Monday, which would have been the 5th. I looked at a calendar of last year and realized that the 5th was a Sunday last year, so there was no way I could have started then last year.

The only shitty thing about the whole thing is that Avalon, the gracious hosts that they are, told me that I have to be out of my apartment by noon on Saturday, February 3rd. Nice eh? I work until 10pm, the night before, Friday, February 2nd and they want me out by noon the next day!!!!! This is the first time that I have ever heard of that happening in Korea. Even the shittiest schools will allow you some time to get packed and ready to leave. Screw Avalon anyway!!!

They are doing the same thing to Jason who is done on the same day as me too. They also came up with some stupid reason for holding 800 dollars from Jason on his last paycheck.... something about security deposit or damage insurance. Funny how they never mentioned it before to him, just on the last paycheck of him being at Avalon.

Most of the other teachers at Avalon, including myself, had to put a security deposit down of 600 dollars. They took 200 dollars each paycheck, for the first 3 months. You get it back when you leave, which is cool of course, but they totally surprised Jason on the back end of his finishing at Avalon. They said that he would get the money back too, after they had done an inspection for damage.

Why couldn't they have done an inspection before he leaves or on the very last day? He wasn't going anywhere..... I guess they don't trust anyone. Especially seeing that this is the third time that Jason has worked for Avalon.

This just puts the icing on the cake about Avalon for me. The biggest private school in Bundang with over 8000 students, give or take and also the cheapest. I guess that is how they have made their money.... give me a break..... get a life....... If they want teachers to re-sign, which I figure 99 percent don't, they should try and be less stingy and more understanding of what the teachers do for them.

The intensive period is a prime example. All the teachers get either one or two extra classes in the morning, at a time that is never worked under normal hours and they give them absolutely nothing. I am working 3 extra classes a week at 12.10 until 1.25 and I get 5 dollars a day for each day that I teach. That means that I get 15 dollars a week ( 3 times 5 dollars because I teach Mon, Wed, Fri one class on each day), which is awesome, don't you think? It is actually an insult and has been the vein of a lot of jokes over the last week or so.

By the way, my one class has 2 students in it. It doesn't matter though because they pay the Korean and Foreign teachers no extra for doing the classes (except the 5 dollars a day!!!!), so every student that they get at every campus is extra money in Avalon's pocket. The tuition is not cheap either for the 4 week intensive period. The average is anywhere from 200-400 dollars a student.

You figure out the money that Avalon can make..... by not paying the teachers anything extra. Screw them once again.... I am not even angry when I say that too. I just realize where it is at and I can't do anything to change it, except not re-sign with them, which I am not doing anyway.

So, I will be staying with Dave until I fly out of Korea, which I think is February 6th.... not totally sure on that either yet. Avalon are paying my ticket back to Canada of course, so I have to wait to see what the earliest date is. I have been told that the 6th is okay, but with my mistake on my finishing date, I want an earlier flight if possible. We shall see what happens, anyway.

I finished my last day today with the fitness club that I used to go to, close to Dave's house. I am going to join with the old fitness club by me, across from my apartment, for one month before I leave. It is more convenient and also the old gym is cheaper than the one that I went to in Jangan Town. They bumped the price up now to 90 dollars a month!!!!!!

So going to the sauna everyday is gone for now. I will just go on the weekends to the sauna by me. I joined the gym in Jongan Town for 3 months on October 10th and paid about 240 dollars. I know that sounds expensive, but for both the fitness club and the public bath, it is quite cheap.

Anyway, I went there today and they tried to tell me that I had to pay for another month on January 1st. I asked the lady what about the 9 days short that they would be. She would have none of it and she was pissing me off before I was going to workout. I told her to just give me my workout pass and we would talk about it when I left. We talked about it alright.... I just handed in my membership card when I left..... see yer!!!! I don't care about the 7 days extra that they owe me. They wouldn't have given me it anyway.

They do things that piss you off in Korea sometimes like that. The old gym that I go to goes from the exact date that you pay. So if I pay tomorrow, January 4th, then my membership for one month expires on February 4th. Isn't that the way it should be? Dumb bastards in that old place, anyway....grahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Foster Brooks Roasts Don Rickles

Another classic....enjoy.
These are so much fun to watch.

Dean Martin and Foster Brooks. An Absolute Classic. Check Out Dean Martin Smoking. Can't Do That On TV Nowdays.

I love this comedy sketch. Foster Brooks plays such a good drunk and I love the part where Dean Martin cannot stop laughing... he actually starts crying, he is laughing so much.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Family Guy Pilot

This is a it.... gotta love the creator's of this animation bombshell.

Reclaiming The Kop! Happy New Year To All.

For those of you who are not aware of "The Kop," it is the main end of the Liverpool Football Stadium-Anfield. It was orginally called "The Spion Kop."

It has a history as long as the team itself and is legendary for anyone that is a Liverpool supporter. Liverpool supporters are considered some of the best supporters in the world and completely loyal, no matter how bad or well the team has done.

There is now, starting January 1st, 2007, a new campaign to 'reclaim the Kop.' Here is the charter for the new campaign.

The Kop Charter:

1. First is that we are only custodians. The Kop is a spirit, an attitude, the heart and soul of Liverpool F.C. No-one owns it, but together we are a legion, a force like no other.

2. There is no other. The Kop is a one-off. It’s the cradle of terrace culture, humour, songs - the original 12th Man. The Kop innovates. It has never followed. As Liverpudlians, we should never follow the rest of country’s trends and fancies. Whether that takes the form of lower-league grade chanting, overhead seal-clapping or the wearing of yokel-style headgear, The Kop deserves better.

3. "Liverpool FC exists as a source of pride for its supporters. It has no other purpose." If that is the club's pledge to us, here's ours to the team: "The Kop exists as a bastion of support. We will get behind the team through thick and thin. We will always give them strength."

4. It's the law of nature that fans have favourites. Let's leave the negative stuff in the pubs and schools and wherever else there's debate to be had. Once we set foot inside Anfield, we are Redmen and we have one purpose – to help the team win.

5. Let's get inside the ground earlier. This is all about playing our part in making Anfield special, and providing the backdrop and the inspiration for the team to walk tall. It's also about letting the other team know where they are. When they come out to warm-up, we want our heroes' hearts pumping and the opposition shriveling. Everyone loves a pre-match pint but let's get the Kop rocking too.

6. On 15th April 1989, many thousands of us set off to support our team in the semi final of the F.A Cup. 96 of us never came home again. We will always honour the memory of those who died at Hillsborough. In our respect for them and their families, and in our disdain for the unprincipled and unregulated hacks who scared up a shameful pack of lies out of a desperate human tragedy, we will never purchase or read The Sun newspaper, and we deplore the reading of it by any Liverpool supporter.

7. It is our custom and our privilege as Liverpudlians to welcome supporters from far and wide. We expect all Kopites of all ages, wherever they sit inside the ground, to show similar respect to the city of the team they support. It’s not endearing when visitors don curly-perm wigs and tell locals to “calm down”. It’s not clever to laugh along with away fans who sing tiresome nursery rhymes about car crime. Support Liverpool F.C, and you support Liverpool, too.

8. We always applaud the other team's goalie. But if he should fail to acknowledge that – let him have it!

9. "Liverpool FC Supporters All Over The World." We don’t tolerate racism. Everyone knows LFC, all around the globe. From Nairobi to Nagoya, we have fans, people who love us because we do things 'The Liverpool Way'. We have style, we have honour, we have principles. We are a global force with a local pulse - truly, a club of the people.

10. Our own icon, the symbol that makes The Kop a legend all over the world, is our anthem: You’ll Never Walk Alone. If there is one thing that sets us apart as fans, it’s this pre-match ritual, this war cry, our hymn of triumph, and occasional pain. We’re custodians of the anthem, and we have to maintain it and pass it on to the next generation, in pristine condition. We can never dilute the song, its message and its impact with half-measures and bursts of applause half way through. Let’s respect the anthem and do it proud, sing it slowly and with heartfelt emotion, right to the end, scarves held high. Amen.