More changes on the Avalon front. I briefly mentioned that Jason was leaving yesterday. Well, now it is official. He gave his 45 days notice today, so he will be done about 2 or 3 days before I finish my contract on February 5th. He has had enough and just doesn't want to be here anymore. This was his third stint at Avalon, as far as I know........
I am going to recharge my batteries all this week. Not a drop of alcohol will pass my lips this weekend. I am saving it for Christmas Day in Seoul and also want to just rejuvenate my body, which I have been killing for the last 2 months or so. I am just overdoing it on every front; work, at the gym and going out.
I have to find that balance that I am always spouting off about. I have to seriously be good to my body and go to the gym, sleep and eat well. I have a plan for the rest of the week and I will only be working at Avalon for the next 3 days, no extra-curricular activities as such.....just the gym, then home and sleep.
I have caught up on "Lost" now. I am on episode 6 of season 3. As far as I know, that is right up to date. Anyone out there watch the thing? Can you tell me if I am up to par or are there more episodes ahead of where I am at ?
By the way, Jason sits next to me at Avalon, so that is why there is a more vested interest in what he is doing than the other teachers. Oh yeh and by the way, Avalon had a lunch party today that everyone was invited to. It was to use some of the money that we won for third place at the xmas party. It was at TGI Friday's.
Of course, everyone forgot to tell me that we had a lunch dinner, so I wasn't there. I wasn't surprised to tell you the truth. Nobody bothered to announce to all the teachers yesterday that there was a lunch date the next day. Even if it was announced, how is that for giving people notice. The day before...... so typically Korean and don't discount the foreigners too!
They didn't bother their arses to tell everyone either. It seemed like I was the only one not told. I get the message there boys..... piss on the lot of yers anyway.
I don't care about missing the stupid lunch, it was just the lack of communication, which is so transparent at Avalon. Anyway, I promised myself today not to be too negative about the whole situation, but how can you not? How would anyone feel if they were the only one that wasn't there and wasn't asked..... to "assume" makes an ass of u and me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
School is going well. Nice to have a break everyday....... it will be good for my shocked system and as I said before, I don't have the same class for 7 hours this session. The dreaded essays are coming up though..... uh, whatever..............
TGIFs??? who wants to eat there anyways?
TGIFs??? who wants to eat there anyways?? I know what u mean though..last minute stuff..
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