This week has been very easy as far as work ethic goes, but also a little boring as I have had to just make things up for each class everyday. We had a story or article as a guide, but it didn't last long in our 1 hour and 15 minute classes.

My Mon,Wed class and Tue, Thur classes had their final classes yesterday and today. I bought some pop and drinks for each class and said goodbye to a lot of them. The reason is, that a lot of them are going to middle-school, so they will be going to the Avalon middle-school campus in Jongja and not coming back here. I felt a little emotional, saying goodbye to a lot of them.

Some of my classes had as many as 90 percent of the class that were going. It will be interesting to see my new classes as the new session starts on Monday, December 18th. So for the past few days it has been snack parties, which the students bought themselves and games in the class. I have some good games that last the whole time, so it was not a difficult thing to have to do, actually a little fun when the kids co-operated.
This weekend is also the Avalon Christmas Party. It is being held at a restaurant, which is meant to be really nice. Each campus of the school has to do a skit, both the foreigners and the Koreans. We have one all ready and it is going to be absolutely ridiculous and makes no sense at all, but that is the idea. People will not be able to figure out what it is about because it is about nothing, but hopefully we will have some good laughs and people will find it funny.

It is free booze and all you can eat, so who can turn that down? I am quite looking forward to it, to tell you the truth.
Scott leaves Avalon on Friday. He flies out early Saturday morning on his 4 month vacation!!!!!!! He plans on travelling to Cambodia, Vietnam, Brazil and a few other places. Then he is going back to Michigan and doing a one year Bachelor of Education.... teachers degree. I will be sad to see him go though, he is a good guy.
We met at Dublin's last night and had a few drinks with his girfriend who I met for the first time and Lyndsey who used to work at Avalon. I had a good night and we kind of said our goodbyes last night although we work together today and tomorrow.
The weather here has been super nice and not that cold. The air is a little cool at times, but compared to Canada the winter here is paradise.
My friend Gareth called me today and told me that Dan Reid who we used to play football with, has found a hotel that offers a full Christmas Dinner. It is 50 bucks each and Gareth will be coming down from Ulsan with a mate of his.
We will all meet up Xmas Day and have a good meal, some good chit-chat and of course some drinks. Gareth will fly back to Ulsan on Tuesday morning with the first plane.
Gareth is leaving also in the middle of January.... another sad departure. He is travelling to see his girlfriend who lives in Nova Scotia or somewhere on the East coast of Canada. He will then go to England where I might be meeting up with him sometime in March. He then goes off to Lima, Peru and other places unknown.
He has worked his balls off the last 2 years or so to save some money and start some new endeavours for his future. Good luck with all that mate, I mean it!!!!!!!
So the week has been mixed with emotions, good and bad. Saying goodbye is never easy, but being a gypsy makes it a little easier, knowing that I can cross paths with these people anywhere I end up going in the world. That choice is up to me and the future looks good with that in mind.
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