Here are various pictures of various things in Korea. One is of kindergarden kids going on a trip. The others are of schools in Seoul and one of a PC room sign. By the way, there are tons of PC rooms everywhere and along with the singing rooms, they pretty well make up a lot of places in Korean buildings.
The PC rooms are dead cheap; usually only about a dollar or so an hour... they are cheaper in Ulsan and smaller cities than in Seoul or Bundang.
One of the things that I have started to notice seeing more and more in the last few months, is some of the kids carrying these "super-backpacks." I thought they were suitcases the first time that I saw them, but finally realized that it is a traditional backpack that can be carried like a normal backpack or put on the ground and can be dragged by a handle and has wheels on it. It looked so weird the first time that I saw it!!!!!!!
My first reaction was to think that the kids were getting really lazy, but then one of the kids said, "Teacher, lift my bag and see how heavy it is!" They were not kidding either. I would have found it heavy, carrying all the stuff that was in it. So, accordingly, the "super-backpack" has come around to help the students carry so much stuff, so that it doesn't hurt them.
My classes are a lot smaller now. I have a total of 52 students compared to the last session of 98!!!! I have one class that has 3 students in it!!!!! What a difference from last session. That also means that I will have way more less essays to mark also. I only will have 52 and will have less comments to write about the WB level kids, as I only have 3 WB classes now and 3 EB.
At Avalon, Sunae Campus, they have a system that works this way; each level has a Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced class. The starting level for kids with very little English experience is also Starter level.
The levels then progress from Rainbow to Eagle and then to Wisdom. So each level starting with Rainbow is like this: RS, RB, RI, RA. Eagle: EB, EI and EA. Wisdom: WB, WI and WA.
It is not that complicated once you get onto it, but it is the W level classes that are the most advanced with more fluency required and more work for the students. It is nice to have the 3 EB classes, as it is more basic and I can have a good laugh with the students too.
The 3 WB classes are good too though and it keeps me on my toes. The one class with 3 kids is so chilled ,as it is so small. They all get to talk a lot and I can drill them to speak full sentences and watch them improve immensely. They have a good opportunity, which is usually not available to them due to normal class sizes being very big; usually between 10-15 students.
I am all caught up on my "Lost" episodes. I watched episode 6 of season 3 yesterday and as far as I am aware, there are no new episodes now until February, 2007. It has been fun watching them though.
I am now downloading the first season of "Rome." It should be done by the time I get home tonight and I hope that it works okay on the computer.
The Liverpool vs Arsenal game was 'fogged out' last night. They have no idea when the replay will be played and both managers were bitching and whinging about the game being postoponed. Again, another example of the mangers undermining the officials. I wish they would just give it up and honour the decision of the officials and maybe then there would be more respect in the future given to them by players, coaches and even spectators.
Like one article that I read that was very good, said: It is okay for the spectators and supporters to say things about the game officials and even sometimes the media, such as the commentators, as they have the aid of video-replays at about 1 million different angles and speeds, but it is not okay for the players or managers or coaches or people in the game to criticize the officials, as it just ruins their integrity as officials and belittles them to all people involved in the sport.
I am recharging my batteries, as I mentioned before. I have not had a drink since last Saturday and feel all the better for it. I am not going to have a drink at all this weekend. I am going to wait until December 25th, Xmas Day and have a drink with Dave and Gareth and Dan while having an Xmas Dinner at a hotel, yet to be named!!!!!!!
1 comment:
make sure you do the anfield tour while youre in the 'pool.iTS GOOD LIKE. YOU HAVE TO PHONE AND BOOK THOUGH.
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