Well, the weekend passed and a lot of stuff happened. I will try to remember some of the more interesting stuff about it.
The trip started at Yatap, which is a subway stop about 4 stops from where I live. I met Dave there and we left about 5pm, Saturday afternoon. We arrived in Ulsan at about 9.45pm or thereabouts.
We walked to Gareth's house, called him and he was across the street in a restaurant. He was with a girl called Hope, who we all know from our Wonshot Football Days. She used to live in Ulsan and was down for the wedding also.
She works in Hongdae, which is in Seoul. We joined them for a spot of soju and about 15 minutes later, Hope went here way to a friend's house and we went back to Gareth's pad.
Once there, we started to have a few drinks and catch up on each other's comings and goings. We decided to go to Benchwarmers first, which is of course, Troy's bar. ( The friend who got married!)
I had originally got drunk a few weeks ago and made the bad mistake of calling my ex up and telling her that I was coming to Ulsan...... It started a whole slew of things that I knew I was going to regret..... least of all that she knew that I was coming to Ulsan!!!!
I texted her that I would meet up with her after the wedding on Sunday and of course she answered back saying that she wanted to meet me that night.... blah blah blah.... I finally texted her and told her that the soccer team was meeting at the girly bar! A total lie of course!!!! I knew that the next day the phone was going to be ringing of the wall...... well, vibrating on the floor........
We headed to Tombstone after the Bench and met some more of our old friends and acquaintances. It was quite nostalgic and Dave and I quite enjoyed it. We did however stay too long and headed to Gareth's place around 3.30am or so.
We went across the street to another restaurant and had a wee snack and then headed back to Gareth's place again, to crash.
Dave woke us up at 11.05am. The wedding was at 12 noon!!!! We were all quite hungover, not necessarily from drinking so much, but from the trip and the late hour of getting home. We all jumped up and got dressed, quick style and off we went to the wedding hall.
Once there, there were a lot of people and all the old faces. Some that we hadn't seen in a while and other old faithfuls. It went really nice and the whole thing lasted about 40 minutes. It was a nice ceremony and Sharon looked great and Troy looked very smart.
This thing below is an optical illusion. Check it out!!!!!!!!!!!

Once the ceremony was over, we all went over to the next building and had the buffet style ceremony. Troy and Sharon walked around the tables in their traditional dress, which was really cool. I had nothing to eat at all, just a little rice and some 'tangsooyoo' which is like a chicken nugget. I was feeling a little sick and had a terrible headache.
We met Dan Gauthier at the wedding with his wife, Min Jong. He invited Dave and I back to his place after the wedding, which turned out great, as he had a spare bed and a great couch to crash on. Dan is a great guy and his wife is a super girl.
We didn't realize that there was going to be a buffet at the Bench again around 8pm and Min Jong ended up cooking up some Korean food for us. It was awesome and in between, Dave had a nap, I had a little snooze and then even after eating, Dave had a snooze again.

I had a headache and it was gone after taking 2 Tylenol and with the help of the wonderful hospitality. We all headed to the Bench again for the reception as such. There were lots of people there and some of them well oiled, to say the least.
Dan and Min Jong took off early and Dave and I decided to leave about 11pm to catch the last bus back to Seoul. In between all of this, the phone was busy with my ex calling, but I didn't answer it and to tell you the truth, wasn't arsed. She didn't call me that much, but my phone went dead while I was catching the bus too, which was a good thing.
We got tickets for the 12.50 bus and we had something to eat while we had an hour to wait. Got on the bus at 1.10am and that was an interesting trip as well. We had a guy that was sitting in front of us that snored like a bear, so loud!!! We banged the seat and eventually, Dave said something to him when we went to the service station for a stop. He really was annoying. There was also another girl to our right snoring and another guy behind us!!! A snoring symphony...... lasted about 4 hours or so, too!!!!!
We got into Seoul at 5.25am or so and then caught the first subway at 5.40am. We got back to Bundang at about 6.30am. I went straight to bed after that and woke up at 12 noon; like someone had hit me with a baseball bat.
It was a long day as I had no breaks, but I got through it and also found the energy from somewhere to run 5.2kms at the gym after school. Crazy or what!!!!!!!!
Finally answered the ex's text message and told her that I just was not interested in meeting up with her. She understood or so she said. Haven't had anymore texts since or phone calls, which is a good thing.
There it all is! An eventful weekend with other things mixed in that are too numerous to mention, but that is the gist of most of the weekend. Drinking, meeting friends, meeting friends, drinking....... headache, hangover, tired... blah blah blah.
At work today, training new teachers for the new school and other campuses. It has been an okay day and I am heading to the gym again after work. Enough said now...... Off I go.
Oh! Liverpool won 4-0, which is great as it was an away game and we had only scored one other away goal, on the first day of the season, prior to winning this game.
1 comment:
I like that top ten list! Maybe this weekend or next I will come down to Bundang and you, Dave, Billy, Chip and I can all go out for some food or something.
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