The funny thing is that we don't get paid by the hour, so what is the bloody big deal about having us wait after we are done our last class? Feels very much like working for the man at Avalon sometimes. Enough of the negativity anyway, the fun began once I finished at the gym.

It is hard to remember what I did most of the weekend because so much happened. The shot above is of one side of the main street in Itaewon. There is another picture lower down on the blog of the same area. There are shops everywhere. I didn't take the picture either, I robbed it off someone else's website. Something that I 'googled'.
That is a new verb, by the way, which means to enter a search on the google search engine and find a website related to the search query. GOOGLE IT!!!!!!!!!!
The debauchery started after I finished at the gym. I actually ran 10kms believe it or not!!!!! I ran for 72 minutes non-stop. I originally planned to go home, but Dave convinced me to drop by his house and listen to some music and have a drink. Oh, the single life eh!!!!
We listened to some good tunes and went on a trivia website that I told Dave about. It is called It is a very addictive site and Dave was addicted as soon as we started playing it. I even got him to register a name so that you can log in and use some more of the options available to a registered member. It is free of course and honestly you can do trivia quizzes about pretty well anything.
It is one of the largest trivia sites on the web and the other good thing about it all, is that the quizzes are created by people themselves. There are sometimes mistakes, but very few and there is an opportunity to send the creator of the quiz an email to inform them of a mistake or such.
After we did some quizzes on "Dutch Language," we decided to go to Dublin's. We got there fairly late and ended up getting home around 3 or 4 in the morning. We didn't drink much, but we had a good time just socializing. We met some of the locals there of course, as always.
Saturday was the day that Gareth was coming down to Seoul from Ulsan along with Niall and the plan was to meet him later on that night.
In the afternoon, Dave and I met up in Kangnam at a "Coffee Bean." We took the bus from there to Itaewon. The picture below is of the "Christmas Bus" that we took from Kangnam to Itaewon. The picture is not very good, but the bus was a full on decorated bus.
It had tinsel everywhere, on the windows and handles as well as christmas lights and even a few little model christmas trees complete with all the reindeer and small ornaments. The whole theme was throughout the bus, which was one of those double kind of harmonica buses, with that piece of rubber in the middle that joins two carriages together to make a bigger bus. It was cool, too bad it didn't come out too good in the pictures. It put me in the christmas spirit a little though.
We started out at 'Geckos' and it started off quite quietly. Then it got more exciting as the night progressed. We didn't hook up with Gareth and the gang until later that night, around midnight. The plan was to watch some football, but we actually didn't leave Geckos. We were having a good time and met some new people, both foreigners and Koreans.
Gareth was staying in Hongdae and we met up with him about midnight outside of the Burger King. He showed us where the "Loft" was and there were a gang of people there that he had met up with.
There was Niall from Ireland, Hope from Canada, another load of people from either Australia or New Zealand and mix of Brits also involved in the mix. The Loft was really loud, hard to talk or anything. Don't get me wrong though, the music was good, just not that good of a place to socialize with a group of people and we decided to leave there and go to another place.
We ended up at the Rocky Mountain Tavern, which has a predominantly Canadian theme to it and is frequented by lots of Canadians. By the time we got there, they were on last orders, so we had a chance to get one last drink or round and then off we went again. The place was dead by the time we got there.
The next part of the story is quite funny. After that place, we also went to another place called "Polly's Kettle," which was dead as a door nail. Hope was chomping at the bit to leave that place. Anyway, we ended up at a place called "Queen." I am sure from the title, you can guess what kind of place that was!
It ended up being this little shithole club the size of a postage stamp and a gay club to boot. It was so funny watching everyone's reaction when we went in there. Gareth was classic. Not being of sound mind, he decided to use the toilet in there.... haha.
I guess on the way one of the gay fellas, grabbed his beard and that was the start of it. That was on his way to the toilet. When he came out of the toilet, the same fella did something or touched him, can't remember, but I do remember Gareth's face and his reaction was absolutely hilarious. It was like someone had spilled shite or something on him. He was waving with his hand and the look on his face was one of like, "get off, get off!!!!!!"
Gareth was sporting a full beard. I guess that he told his students that he would grow an 'upside head!' That meant that he had a shaved head and a full beard. I said that he looked like "Barabus" who had just got let out of the pit. Anyone that has no religious background, that is the name of the man that was let go free instead of Jesus in the Bible. Gareth's beard is dark black to boot, as is his head; the Italian background of his, I am sure.
Niall and I were absolutely pissing ourselves laughing. There was a girl with us called Helena, who looked Russian and was actually from Russian background. It was her birthday, we found out later on. Hope had actually met her in Japan the week before, going on a visa run. Helena was disgusted by the whole gay bar thing and stormed out of the bar, saying that she wanted to dance, but not with gay fellas.
Hope of course was on the little diddley dance floor, giving all she had with two of the fellas that had their shirts off. They were so gay and even all around the entrance to the club, outside, were a bunch of fairies petting each other and being frisky. It was a great laugh though and I enjoyed it immensely.
Off we went again to another place. I think we went to the Loft again at some point, but as I said before, some of the evening is a bit of a blurr. I think finally Dave and I ended up getting a taxi at 5.40am and got home around 6am. I had to get up at 1pm, which was a little difficult, but I did it!!!!!!
Sunday, Christmas Eve, Dave and I decided to stay local, as we had a plan to go to Dublin's. We ended up there and met Chris and Heekyong who we hadn't seen for quite a while. Chris is working for a movie company called "Showbox" and is very busy doing the whole Korean thing. He is half Korean himself, looks very Korean, but lived in L.A. for a long time. He was telling us some of the marketing plans for the company and right now they are in the midst of being an investor in one of the biggest Asian movies that will be produced in the near future.
It is about the "3 Kingdoms," which pretty well every Asian person has ever read. The movie is taken from the book and is being directed by the famous Chinese director, John Woo.
The night was really mellow to start off with and then it progressed from there. After Chris and Hekyong left, Aaron was sitting with us and then a few more people showed up. A girl from Manchester, Sarah and another fella, Tom. along with Sara's friend, Sharon who is white, but has a full-on Trinidad accent... very cool indeed.
We got chatting with them and their 3 or 4 other friends and in between, Joe, Dublin's owner, came and chatted with us. We had a lot of fun and Aaron was in top form and we just all had a good gab and a good laugh. We rolled out of there in the early hours of the morning, heading for Sara's house who invited Dave and I and Aaron and Tom and another Korean girl plus Sharon. Sharon and Sara are good friends, as far as I know.
We had met another Irish girl, Elizabeth who lives with Sara, earlier, but she had gone home as she was too inebriated. I guess when we got to the apartment, which was in Moran, quite a ways from where we were at Dublins, Elizabeth was sleeping in her bedroom. Didn't even know she was there until we were informed of the fact.
Well, Aaron, Dave and I headed home about 6.30am..... we planned to get up at 10am to head into Seoul to go for the Christmas Dinner at the Seoul Hilton Millennium. That did not happen!!!!!
There was no way I was getting up with 3 hours sleep and travelling. Oh, I forgot to say that I stayed at Dave's house that night too; so we could head to Seoul without all the bother of meeting at the subway and then taking a bus afterwards.
Well, we woke up in the middle of the afternoon. I called Gareth and told him that we hadn't moved yet. This was at 3pm!!!! We would meet up with him later that night. Dave and I decided to have something to eat. We went to a place in Sunae, where we had some Bolognese spaghetti and some thin sliced Cicerao pizza. It was not very big, but we were both stuffed by the time we finished our food.
After much humming and harring, we decided to get a bus to Itaewon and meet up with Gareth, Dan Reid and his girl Lisa, Hope and Naill and John Cattigan and his girl, Emily who was visiting from Taiwan. She used to live here in Korea, but now works in Taiwan. She said it is no different than working in Korea, just a different feel. The money is a little less and the children are a little less 'slappy' with each other. She said that they are sucks though and that they cry at the drop of a hat.
We met at a pub called "3 Alleys." We were there for about an hour and Emily and John decided to take off, as Emily had to fly back to Taiwan the next morning. Calling it an early night for both of them.
We then headed to another place called "The Wolfhound." Not a bad place. Clean and quite sociable. There were a few people about and we had a good time again gabbing and laughing. Had some good cracks with Naill who has a great sense of humour as does Hope and Gareth and Dan and his girl Lisa. Talked about football and the job and other things.
After that place, Dan and Lisa went home. Gareth, Niall, Hope, Dave and I went to another place called "The Embassy." It was a very nice place, very modern looking and looked like a total chill out place. They played some funky music and although the place was quite small they had some cool furniture and some funky styles all over the place. It was quite expensive though and there was a 20 percent tax added to all the drinks, which is unusual in Korea.
In between ordering drinks, I had got on the phone and called Mum and Dad who were at my sister's house for christmas. I was on the phone for about 25 minutes or so. When I got back to the table, there was a few more drinks on the table, not for me though. They had been consumed or not consumed as we would find out in about 10 minutes.
Once we all decided to leave, there was a bit of a row about the drinks that were ordered. A row between Gareth and Niall mainly. I guess that Gareth had told Niall to order a guiness and Naill had said not to.
It was no big deal really, Gareth was just a bit pissy and nobody was sure what we ordered or how much they owed. I only had one drink and the second drink got taken by someone in the bar, so I got it back for free. I had put it down somewhere while I was using the phone to call home. I looked everywhere for it, but couldn't find it. I proceeded to ask the management what had happened to it.
Well, after the little disagreement about the bill, Gareth calmed down a bit and we all headed our different ways. It was about 1am by that time, so it was a good time to call it a night. We all had to work the next day, Tuesday, which is Boxing Day. Sucks really eh!!!!!!!!
I worked today and it was okay. Everyone was a little dead and Sean actually came into work, showed another teacher, Joe who is filling in for Rebecca's classes, where the campus was and then went home sick!!!!!!!!
We also got our intensive hours, which starts next Tuesday, January 2nd. I have one extra class from Mon to Fri from 12.15 or so until 1.30. The rest of the schedule is the same, but once Rebecca comes back from Canada, which is now a week later(Jan11th), she will take one of my classes on Friday and I will only have 2 classes on Fridays then. Cool, I say, cool!!!!!!
It is Dave's birthday this Saturday, December 30th, so the festivities will be plentiful, I am sure. I think the plan is to go to Kangnam. Gareth is coming down again from Ulsan too.
A mate of his is going to be in Seoul and he has to see him when he gets here. Gareth is finished at the end of January and then he is off to see his girl in Canada and then off to Peru and other places. A busy time of the month for him that is for sure.
I was back at the gym again tonight. Ran for about 42 minutes and came home and watched the Liverpool game on the pc. We lost, of course. We were all over Blackburn, but couldn't score. We played okay, but were just missing that clinical touch. Friedel made some good saves, but Crouch should have scored two easy chances in the first half. Rue, rue, rue the chances missed!!!!! We lost 1-0.
Chelsea drew, United pounded Wigan, Tottenham won, Portsmouth won and Bolton also. Liverpool dropped to 4th or 5th. No way we are going to finish any higher than 3rd, that is almost for sure now.
Done my essay about christmas now. It was a good one and I enjoyed it immensely. I like the single life. I am stressed out about not having any stress.
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