That said ,the penalties were shite as usual. Like we never knew if it came to pens we wouldn't lose? That is funny shit! It is the fifth time, that is right 5 times that we have lost at major tournaments on pens.
I would like to make a few of my viewpoints on the whole England World Cup experience:
1. Why would you let a coach that has already be fired, carry on and coach the team in the tournament. McClaren is the new manager and has been there all along, so wouldn't it have just made sense to make him the manager for the World Cup? Stupid stupid FA!!!!!
2. Beckham was absolute shite in every game. He didn't tackle hard, he fell over all the time and yes, he did save us with one of his magic free-kicks, but is that what we want for an England team. As an overall player, he just doesn't have it anymore. Maybe that is what Ferguson saw and didn't want a playboy around the other players.
3. Frank Lampard had lots of shots straight at the goalie and really didn't stamp himself in any of the games. I would have pulled him and tried another midfielder. At least Gerrard was improving as the tournament went on, but once again he was playing in the wrong role that he just sits behind the main attacker by a Texas mile!
4. What was Eriksson thinking taking Theo Walcott and on top of that never played him, to make it an even worse choice. Even if we reached the semis, all we would have had up front was Crouch. Don't you usually take more than 3 strikers to a major tournament?
5. The only real English style of football I saw from them was the first half against Sweden. Why didn't they play like that all the time?
6. What was Rooney thinking doing all the agressive over the top shite? He needs to realize that there is a time to take a yellow or a red, not just be an over agressive baby, who needs his bottom smacked. Like my sister said, 'Naughty naughty boy!"
Well, that is my spiel for the moment. I am not sad that we didn't win and am not going to make any excuses at all for the team. They were shite, plain and simple. I don't know if we will ever be able to play as a team and the style that we watch week in and week out at an international level!!! The World Cup is virtually over for me now, but I will make a prediction. It will be Germany vs France in the final and it will be 2-0 for Germany.
Not much else going on here except I am now finally finished with the girlfriend. It just was not working out and I decided to tell her that I didn't want to play with her feelings and drag her along anymore. She will be going back to Ulsan in about 2 weeks. We had a good heart to heart talk and I think she understands that she has no future with a lunatic like me!
I am a little sad, but relieved at the same time. She had no friends up here and will be much happier back in her own town, Ulsan. Time for her and I to move on and go our different ways. I am happy for the times that we shared, but it is a new beginning for both of us now and we will both be better for the experience. I helped her with her life a little and she helped me a little too, enough said.
Played some basketball yesterday with two of the fellas that I work at Avalon with and a bunch of Korean fellas. I can't play very well, never really played the game to tell you the truth. I was happy that my elbow held up to it and I could actually slap the ball and throw a little,but still not one hundred percent. No pain today though, which is awesome. I think about another month or two and I will be back to nearly 100 percent. Went to the gym over the weekend also. I am still keeping at it and eating healthy.
I went to Itaewon as expected. Dave and I, a friend from Ulsan, Katherine and Dan Reid and his girl Lisa, as well as a girl called Laura who I met at the Canadian pub in Itaewon and is from Rochdale, all watched the game at a pub called Scrooge. Her dad is a mad Liverpool supporter, as is she. We all watched it at a pub with a good crowd of England supporters.
The week has started and I will be back at the gym flogging my guts out again. I think I will go at it pretty hard this week too. Oh another thing, on Saturday, I realized that I had the shutters shut on the a/c unit. Once they were opened to vent outside, the place was so nice and cold. The apt was reading 29 degrees on Friday afternoon.
Once the a/c was going good, it went down to like 23 degrees. It was so nice to sleep in. The guy came to the apt early Saturday morning and it took like 2 minutes to find the problem. I had taped the door up for the Winter, so I hadn't even checked the shutters. Rebecca, the girl in the same building as me and the same school, had hers looked at too, the same day. Same problem, so we are both happy campers now.
I think from now on I am going to think of beautiful girls like this one on the left! Isn't she just awesome.
Well said!!
I am the least informed of all the family concerning footy but it seems to me that what I read in 'Fowler' about Erickson is correct. They seemed lost as a team and some of them think they are bigger than the game!!Those long balls are boringggggggggg.......!!
Fuckin hell Paul...I wish it could have went a different direction for your team... I know you mentioned that you weren't sad about it but it still stinks... till next time.
did you notice there were practically zero offsides this game? england had no thru balls, and the only solid chances came off rushes from Lennon and Hargreaves. PKs might have been a bit better with a healthy Becks, Owen, and Rooney to kick with Gerrard and Hargreaves/Lampard.
as I said before the Wcup started, Lennon should have started with his pace! remember that Paul? anyways, watching it on TV with some other brits was worthwhile I think, nice change from the Bundang area
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