Cell phone manners are becoming non-existent these days, all over the world. We have this device that has become attached to us 24/7. We can't do without it and we guard it like it controls our lives.
Along with this phenomenon is the lack of manners now associated with it. Hey, I will be the first to admit that I do it sometimes too! I do however, try to control myself and think logically when I am using the cell phone. Dave told me the other day that I am sometimes really loud on the cell phone and I think that is just because I have a loud voice, but I am going to try to heed his criticism and not talk so loud when I am using it.
People talk everywhere on them. In the toilets, on the bus, on the subway and any other conceivable place that you can imagine. Lining up to pay at the bank is one. in cars and even the bus drivers here talk on them while they are driving!
Anyway, whoever reads this blog and has a cell phone, let's start today and try to regress back to the point where they are not are 'be all and end all' of life. Let's remember that we need to watch our manners when we are on them and use our logic as to when and where to use them and answer them........ enough said!
Everything is going well on the personal front. I am enjoying having my own space now, immensely. I have even rearranged the whole apartment, so now it feels like I am making a fresh start to everything. I am keeping at the gym and eating healthy still too.
Dave and I met last night for a few drinks and it ended up being a 4am night for me and even later for him. It was a good time and we met at a famous Kimchi restaurant first and then went and had coffee at Samsung Plaza, before we started to have a few drinks.
Today was just a relaxing day. I went to the gym, had some lunch. Then I came home and cleaned up the house and did some washing. Went for a nap and now I am going out with Dave. I think we are going for coffee, but no sure. Dave can bring his water bottles over to my house. I have a water machine which is very handy. I always bug him to bring his empty bottles over. Why pay for it when your friend has a water machine! Right?
I threw some more clothes out today that I don't like. They never really fitted that well and I just decided to chuck them. I donated them of course. I don't throw anything like that in the garbage. Having been a garbage man before for more than 7 years, I realized how bad some people are for throwing out good stuff. I promised myself to never be one of those, so I try to recycle everything that is reusable, such as clothes and furniture and the like.
Summer intensive starts tomorrow. I have to be at the school at 10am Monday to Friday. It ends August 18th, so it is not too bad. I will get myself into a morning routine for a month and then back to normal. There is a 3 day holiday for Avalon next Monday to Wednesday in August. That will shorten the whole thing up and I am looking forward to that.
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