Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Speaking Test Monday And Tuesday For The Kids

This Monday and Tuesday are the days of the monthly speaking tests for the children at my school, Avalon.

Each class uses two of the units that we have already studied in class. They are given the unit numbers to study a week before the speaking tests. Each student has a question book that has 10 questions from each unit studied from each chapter of the reading book.

For example most of the classes were given unit 1 and 2 as the speaking test units. They have all the answers to each unit written in their reading books, or should I say, they should have them written. It is not always the case. 70 percent of the questions used for the speaking tests are taken directly from the questions books, so if they studied the units well, they will have no problem with the speaking test.

The children come into the classroom and it is set up much like an interview. There are usually 4 students sitting beside each other and either one or two teachers sitting in desks in front of them. The students are then asked questions in order by one teacher and the other teacher evaluates them for accuracy,comprehension,pronunciation and interaction while responding to the questions. There are also times when one teacher asks the questions and evaluates them too.

The point system starts at 10 and then goes down from there. It is a little bit nerve-racking for the students, so we try to make them feel as comfortable as possible. Either before or after the speaking test, the students also have a monthly vocabulary test with the Korean teachers and then on top of that a small essay to explain one of the two units that they were given to study for the speaking test.

The English teachers also mark these mini-summarizations for the Korean teachers. Needless to say, it is a stressful time for the students, but the parents want them to be pushed this hard and it is a good way to see what level the kids are at and how they are progressing especially their speaking skills, which are always the hardest to evaluate.

Some of the kids are really nervous whent they are sitting there for their speaking test, but it is good practice for them even for the future for an interview for a job. Some of the faces on the kids are priceless and quite funny at times.

I like the speaking test days, but don't like marking those mini-essays as we are already marking essays on an ongoing basis anyway. I think Avalon asks a bit much of us at times and expect too much for the time that we are here compared to some of the other schools that are at an equivalent level.

Things don't look good for me re-signing my contract here. That said, I am not stressed out about the school at all. I just think I need to go to another place next year where I can be a little bit more of a free spirit when teaching the classes and have some fun with some of the kids. At least a little anyway, which is not possible here other than putting some humour into teaching the lesson. The kids never have free time as we are going gangbusters right from the time the starting bell goes until the end of the class, to cover the material that we need to.

One of the things that Avalon does that I don't like is just go at a hundred mile an hour. They give the kids hardly anytime to just relax and they have tests every bloody day. If they just gave the kids a little break sometimes, it would go a long way to improving both the students attitude and for sure the teacher's attitudes.

Avalon have lost a lot of teachers lately and are going to lose more in the future. Lyndsey is not re-signing and I would say that if one teacher here and there went, maybe it is the teachers, but if there are teachers leaving left right and centre, then the problem is with the school itself and how they are treating the teachers. Anyway, enough said, I will still enjoy my 6 months more and then find another place before I leave for my month off.

Here is a pic of my Dad in Newfoundland. Mum and he just got back from a nice 2 week tour of the place. They said it was fantastic and that the people were awesome. They said that the people have the same sense of humour as the Brits. More pics to come as and when I get them off my Mum and Dad.

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